friends, i am confused. some one please help here.
i submitted my PR application 1 month ago. problem is that in the past i applied for TWP, also did the medicals, but then withdrew the TWP application, reason being, my canadian employer laid me off even before i could get to canada
in PR application there is a question if i have applied for any visa application to Canada in the past, i said NO (instead of saying YES). intentionally, because this time i added some extra experience in my employer reference letters to make my claim for the NOC code more strong (of course after taking my employer in confidence). so i had a fear in my mind if i say YES, they will start comparing my this reference letter with the one that i submitted with my TWP application. so i thought i shouldn't tell them that i applied for TWP and i said NO in the PR application. now the confusions are;
1. although i have said NO, but do you think they will come to know themselves that i applied for TWP in the past, because my understanding is that they close the files once a case is complete.
2. i applied for TWP from another country (the country of my residence at that time). but now i have moved back to my native country so my PR application is in visa consulate in my home country. can they still find out that i applied for TWP in the past because this time this is a different visa consulate?
3. if at all they find that i didn't say YES, do they give a chance to explain the reason why? or do they simply reject/refuse the application?
please share some thoughts.
Quote:Yes, very likely.
Originally posted by optimistic1
1. although i have said NO, but do you think they will come to know themselves that i applied for TWP in the past
Quote:Doesn't matter.
because my understanding is that they close the files once a case is complete.
Quote:Yes, they will find out.
2. i applied for TWP from another country (the country of my residence at that time). but now i have moved back to my native country so my PR application is in visa consulate in my home country. can they still find out that i applied for TWP in the past because this time this is a different visa consulate?
Quote:That is hard to predict.
3. if at all they find that i didn't say YES, do they give a chance to explain the reason why? or do they simply reject/refuse the application?
"Mah deah, there is much more money to be made in the destruction of civilization than in building it up."
-- Rhett Butler in "Gone with the Wind"
They will provide you with an AOR.
After that if they process your fees will not be refunded.
But they will ask you if you want them to start the processing.
So, be prepared for all of the above posted by Pratickm.
My two cents, they will process your application after the AOR.
They know that it was your employer who abandoned your application.
Now you must show the proof of funds too.
Good Luck.
thanks for your replies. now one thing is for sure that they will somehow come to know about my previous application. just like i explained in my previous post that the main reason i said NO in my PR application was because i did not want them to start comparing my employer reference letter that i submitted with my TWP application with the one that i just submitted with my PR application. the reference letter that i submitted with my PR application has the same experience as i showed in the reference letter with my TWP application, except a few additional job duties that i added after taking my manager into confidence only to make my claim stronger for the NOC code i am claimed in my PR application. my manager has assured me that if CHC guys contact him about my experience, he will fully cover me.
questions are;
1. do you think once CHC comes to know about my previous application, they will start comparing the reference letter that i provided with my TWP application with the one that i just provided with my PR application. i.e. do they compare the documents?
2. if yes, what do you think i should do in such a situation? how can i save my PR application in such a scenario? any suggestions please? the reference letter with PR application is on company's letter head with my manager's contact number and business card. and they can also contact my manager to confirm my job duties. do you think this is not going to be sufficient to satisfy them that my reference letter is genuine?
3. OK maybe i did some mistake by adding extra experience in my employer reference letter , but whatever i did has been done and there's no way back for me. now i need to think of some suitable explanation if they ask me why both the reference letters are different. i myself think if they ask me why there are some additional duties in the reference letter with my PR application as compared to the reference letter with my TWP application, maybe saying something like the following can satify them?
"In case of my TWP application, I mostly explained and elaborated my experience and job duties which were related to the job offered in Canada, so to make my TWP application and my eligibility for job offered in Canada more strong. But with my PR application, I had to claim a NOC code, so i explained all my responsibilities and duties from one to all in detail so to convince CIC that i am eligible for the NOC i am claiming for".
you think an explanationa as above may work?
i dont want to have my PR application jeopardized because of some difference of duties in both the reference letters... please give me some suggestions to help me if a situation like above arises.
pratickm, Freddie, any comments please?
Originally posted by optimistic1
pratickm, Freddie, any comments please?
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