I was told that at the citizenship test, our PR card is taken away and we are issued with a temporary citizenship certificate which we have to hold on to till the PR card is mailed back to us in around 2 weeks time. Hence we cannot travel anywhere after the citizenship test till the PR card is mailed back to us.
I did not read this rule anywhere on the cic website or see this being discussed on CD forum so I thought I may clarify.
Can experienced CDs please clarify the above?
You will have your PR with you even after the test.
PR card is taken away from you only on the day of oath as after the oath you are nolonger a PR.
You have to apply for passport which you can apply on the same day
Hi Monk,
Thanks for the prompt response.
So if the PR card is taken away after the oath ceremony, we should be issued with a "citizenship card" isnt it?
And we can travel only after we get the canadian passport because the citizenship card is not a valid document for travel? Am I right?
How long does it take to get the canadian passport after applying for it?
If you are collecting in person you can get it in 15 days
Originally posted by ved2007
Hi Monk,
Thanks for the prompt response.
So if the PR card is taken away after the oath ceremony, we should be issued with a "citizenship card" isnt it?
And we can travel only after we get the canadian passport because the citizenship card is not a valid document for travel? Am I right?
How long does it take to get the canadian passport after applying for it?
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