Watching CNN live. Bigtime exposure. MMS put it in a good perspective at the state dinner. Strategic partnership. All the main channels have been showing MMS and talking about India's importance to USA.
Great menu at the state lentil soup and tomato chutney among other things I can't pronounce.
Originally posted by KumarM
Watching CNN live. Bigtime exposure. MMS put it in a good perspective at the state dinner. Strategic partnership. All the main channels have been showing MMS and talking about India's importance to USA.
All Indian leaders behave like wussies when they come to US and they don’t exhibit any authority at all. All they do is whine about Pakistan and beg for help from the President. At the white house press conference they ramble on and on about terrorism in India and beg for their sympathy. Then they visit a NRI convention, have a sumptuous meal and beg the NRI's to help develop India. On returning to India, they proclaim that the visit was a success. That’s what our leaders have become, spineless beggars in foreign land.
A series of missed opportunities.
Obama's visit to Far East was an amateur trip without anything to write home about.
He went there and supported the Chinese and made statements dissing India.
He has to make up for it and he has tried to appease this by doing this stunt. The timing of this visit was wrong. It was in midst of holidays and did not get any exposure. He also did not conclude any long term initiatives with US.
Only the courtesy How are U and I'm fine!.
CNN spoke about Michelle's dress, the chutney in the menu but NOTHING about MMS his wife or his entourage. Nothing has been revealed about the initiatives discussed.
US was planning to announce a 17% reduction in the emissions in the immediate climate conference while China has KNOCKED the socks out by planning to announce 40 to 50% reduction. Now India has match it but it cannot. It has been caught pants down.
The USD is depreciating while MMS is the only person trying to perk it up.The joke is that all our politicians have their holdings as USD including Sonia Maino they do not want it to depriciate. But it is also interesting that RBI wants to buy the balance of gold from IMF.
China has ENCIRCLED India with its economic dole outs.
Right from J&K, Pakistan, Myanmar, Thailand, Bangladesh and now Srilanka. The latest news is that they want access to Katchatheevu.
May be under the next President Ms.Sarah Palin India will be able to have a meaningful dialogue and equal partnership with USA.
Sunny Leone a true Canadian DESI now back in India !.
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