14 month Baby Coughing for a month - Dabur Honitus - Where can I get one?

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Member since: Oct 08
Posts: 35

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 29-12-09 15:04:06


My child is coughing for last one month now and I have taken him to the family doctors almost everyday. The doctor says he does not have any chest congestion (She got the chest X-Ray done) or any breathing issues; also there is no throat infection.

The doctor also says he has Bronchiolitis. For that she prescribed Baby Nebulizer http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nebulizer 2 times a day, which would ease his cough. I looked up in the internet about Bronchiolitis and my son only has one symptom of it. i.e Cough.

If the chest is clear and no throat infection, then how does he have Bronchiolitis and where the hell cough is coming from. Sometimes I see him having wet cough and sometimes I see him having dry cough. Maximum of the time its wet.

He is 14 months old and here doctors do not give cough syrup to babies below 2 years.

What Do I do?

I looked through the internet and got to this link, an amazing article on Home Remedies for Cough: http://www.steadyhealth.com/articles/Home_Remedies_For_Cough_a851.html

But it does not say how much to a 14 month old.

My parents in India suggested me to give him: Dabur Honitus http://www.naturetherapy.com/dabur/honitus.htm

Where do I get it here in GTA?

Any help would be appreciated.


Member since: Jul 03
Posts: 2713
Location: Kitchener, ON

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 29-12-09 15:27:46

Ask them, could be distributor

http://www.dabur.com/Export-Central,%20North%20&%20South%20America" target="_blank">http://www.dabur.com/Export-Central,%20North%20&%20South%20America

91 Select Avenue, Toronto, Ontario M1V 4A8 ,Canada.
Phone: (416) 261-8700

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Member since: Jul 09
Posts: 917

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 29-12-09 15:56:03

My husband also had same problem when we came here. My son also had but then I controlled initially. Bring spacer and inhaler and use it. Please pm to me and I shall guide you. Give turmeric milk instead of plain milk. spacer really helps since it goes directly into lungs.

Please do not give any sour food and cold food to the child. The child is allergic to climate. It will go after he or she is 8-9 years old.

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Mahatma Gandhi

Member since: May 08
Posts: 431
Location: Mississauga

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 29-12-09 16:30:30

If you do not trust this doctor's judgement get a second opinion (or third). If all say the same thing I would suggest you follow what you are being advised to do. I would hesitate to try any medication not prescribed by the doctor for your child.

My children were diagonosed with Asthama for a similar condition. They have been advised the puffers routinely. Next time you can ask why the doctor feels it is not asthama. Also what helps is making sure the air is not too dry. Use a humidifier or hang a wet towel in the room near the vent.

Immigrant Parents in Canada http://groups.yahoo.com/group/immigrantparentsincanada

Member since: Apr 07
Posts: 458

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 30-12-09 06:51:45

Originally posted by fass2008

Also what helps is making sure the air is not too dry. Use a humidifier or hang a wet towel in the room near the vent.

This really helps, please put a bucket of water in the room where the baby sleeps or bring in a humidifier, the child is reacting to the dry air created by air conditioning, my daughter since babyhood and till today is allergic to AC's dry air and coughs badly. We have got humidifier for her, let some fresh air also in the house, the baby needs moisture in the surrounding. This is very common in cold weathers.

Honitus is very good, if you can find one, else give honey with warm water, this helps or plain luke warm honey.

I'm a twin mom and know the stress it caused when both my kids went thru sleepless nights, I was like a zombie, humidfier helps so buy one, when they have cold add liquid vicks in the humidifier it works wonders.

Hope this helps and your baby feels better soon.......take care........Jona

Member since: May 04
Posts: 13

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 01-01-10 20:21:51

My daughter had severe coughing in winter...I bought a warm humidifier and she was just fine in a day....

Member since: Mar 05
Posts: 277
Location: Toronto

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 11-01-10 21:23:24

Our son (20 months) recently went through the same and even though he'd cough up so much Phlem, the docs said that his chest was clear. HEre are a few things that helped:
1. Cool Mist Humidifier - This really eased his cough at night. Warm mist didn't work as effectively.
2. The baby rub (infant VICKS) helped him also.
3. This may sound crazy but one thing that helped a LOT was fresh air. even in this harsh winter we noticed that he'd not cough when he was in the car so we'd bundle him up and take him out for a little bit. If you notice, the warm air in the house makes our throats also uneasy at times and the cool outside airs does provide relief.
3. Honey with cinnamon really helped. Cinnamon is warm so use in moderation
4. I didn't know how much haldi to put in his milk so i stayed away from teh haldi milk but I did boil his milk with ginger and elaichi. This seemed to help as well.
5. One night it started to sound very similar to croup and he jsut wouldn't stop coughing so we took him to the ER at sick kids. The doc gave him one dose of medicine that helped open his air passages and he was fine after that. The inhaler gives the same medicine but she gave it in the liquid form. This medicine does contain Steroids so doctors don't recommend giving it too much.
6. You know something: up until a few years ago, infants were given cough syrups. We went to India when my kid was 18 months and he got sick there and the docs there also gave cough syrup. I keep cough syrup around to help him at night especially. We grew up on cough syrup and nothing happened to us?

We just went through this and it's realllly hard but do let us know if we can help in any manner. I did email you as well.

Good Luck and hope the little munchkin feels better.

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