eye opener to future immigrants.

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Member since: Apr 05
Posts: 387
Location: Canada

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 29-01-10 23:44:38

I m really not understanding about this post of yours....
what did you try to prove????

my aim for the post(below) was only to encourage everyone.
Could you please clarify???

Originally posted by gopalpai

prince77 came to canada on Jan 2008. her thread on 24.06.2009. This is my proof that you cannot save much in canada. This is her thread in which she clearly states she has taken help from forum members and when I am helping others she is making fun of me. Please read her thread carefully.She clearly states that after 18 months (1 1/2 years of her and her husband working) the savings and bank balance is only $10000/- This is my proof that, you cannot save much because of high income tax.

Hello All

I have taken so many tips from this thread and many of you have been so helpful so thought of sharing this good news which might be helpful for others too.My parents applied for visitor visa and i sent in supporting documents for them.Their visas got stamped in a weeks time they got 5 years multiple entry

Most imp thing my parents have good travel history
my dad owns a very small travel agency back in india(we have zero assests!) but he shows good turn over.Me and my husband have normal jobs our income together 55k and bank bal of only 10k,tax returns,emp letters,our pr cards,house lease,rogers bills

I was so scared when ppl used to say they showed 30k or 50k bal with
a job of 100k per annum.So all you who fall under my category dont you worry
getting the visa is a gamble and strong documentation is necessary.Thanq you all!



Member since: Jul 09
Posts: 917

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 29-01-10 23:55:50

One year! It seems that it is a big achievement in the life! I would love to put my thoughts on it.

What we did in this first year? I am looking back to see have we gain anything or we are just on the looser side? I am not negative but you have to be a good judge and can't keep only good things on the paper.

The first day or rather night was good here. Forovan (Highway 401) took us to the Scarborough from Airport in the
evening around 7.00 PM after KLM's tiring journey. The city lights were amazing (or looked amazing at that time). The night was
sleepless! You know lot of worry!

Next morning we were taken by our kind host to Scarborough Civic Center. The queue was long. Long enough to indicate us
that how many people are coming to this country every day. Long enough to encourage us that when so many people are coming here we haven't made any mistake! And long enough to discourage us that we have to face stiff competition from all these new immigrants. Of course the line was showing faces from all over the world.

The second day was not bad. At least it was better than rest of the days. After our eyes were settled after looking at the lights and glamour of Scarborough Center and other malls,
I was advised to start looking for a job - a labor job! I was shocked - man! I am a Civil Engineer, was in charge of a division in Narmada and you are asking me to do
labor job!! He must be kidding I said to myself. Or he must be underestimating my skills.

Then came the shocks with the list of people doing labor jobs - Civil Engineers, Computer Engineers, MBAs, Mechanical Engineers. People gave example of people working in factory who were getting 50,000
Rupees salary in India per month. My wife told me to go back. I also thought for a while. Yes, she is right, we should go back. But when it came to a decision, lot of things came to mind - what people will tell, why so many people are still in Canada, There must be some hopes etc.

And after sleepless nights of about a week, I came out of frustration. It was good. I was prepared to do labor job.

And my journey started with lifting boxes.

A Year!! It is over. It is over and we are happy though it was like a nightmare!! Five jobs in a year and two layoffs, good
enough to get Canadian Experience. My wife - who never came out of our home at India to cut boxes and fill bottles of glue and sorted old dirty clothes - no choice we had to meet ends!!


A Car. One old 1988 Honda which is noisy and giving me lot of trouble! What can I do for that? I want to change it but money? Those
stupid apartment owners and ruthless government is taking major portion of our
salary!! And if it is not enough the insurance companies are also not behind.
2000 dollars of amount just in Car insurance!! How strange!! Who manages this country - OK in India we have 33 Crore God to take care, here only Jesus!!

A trip to Niagara can be an achievement and a trip to Wonderland also. When the whole country is Wonder why should we not see one piece of land called Wonderland.

And those doctors, oh god, who fools giving this country best country rating? So
slow doctors, hospitals and asking for blood test for each every small problems. Who is handling it?

One trip to New York City was good. Was able to see World Trade Center! Great memories.


After a year we are on the looser side. The moral is down, the education is ruined,
English is garbage, religion is at risk, eagerness to learn new things - where is new
labor job?

What is good in this country? A Highly Educated Labor Force in the World.

This is my proof of life is tough in canada initially and maybe throughout your stay in canada.

The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.”
Mahatma Gandhi

Kay We   
Member since: Jan 10
Posts: 2

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 30-01-10 00:16:00

Originally posted by gopalpai

One year! It seems that it is a big achievement in the life! I would love to put my thoughts on it.

What we did in this first year? I am looking back to see have we gain anything or we are just on the looser side? I am not negative but you have to be a good judge and can't keep only good things on the paper.

The first day or rather night was good here. Forovan (Highway 401) took us to the Scarborough from Airport in the
evening around 7.00 PM after KLM's tiring journey. The city lights were amazing (or looked amazing at that time). The night was
sleepless! You know lot of worry!

Next morning we were taken by our kind host to Scarborough Civic Center. The queue was long. Long enough to indicate us
that how many people are coming to this country every day. Long enough to encourage us that when so many people are coming here we haven't made any mistake! And long enough to discourage us that we have to face stiff competition from all these new immigrants. Of course the line was showing faces from all over the world.

The second day was not bad. At least it was better than rest of the days. After our eyes were settled after looking at the lights and glamour of Scarborough Center and other malls,
I was advised to start looking for a job - a labor job! I was shocked - man! I am a Civil Engineer, was in charge of a division in Narmada and you are asking me to do
labor job!! He must be kidding I said to myself. Or he must be underestimating my skills.

Then came the shocks with the list of people doing labor jobs - Civil Engineers, Computer Engineers, MBAs, Mechanical Engineers. People gave example of people working in factory who were getting 50,000
Rupees salary in India per month. My wife told me to go back. I also thought for a while. Yes, she is right, we should go back. But when it came to a decision, lot of things came to mind - what people will tell, why so many people are still in Canada, There must be some hopes etc.

And after sleepless nights of about a week, I came out of frustration. It was good. I was prepared to do labor job.

And my journey started with lifting boxes.

A Year!! It is over. It is over and we are happy though it was like a nightmare!! Five jobs in a year and two layoffs, good
enough to get Canadian Experience. My wife - who never came out of our home at India to cut boxes and fill bottles of glue and sorted old dirty clothes - no choice we had to meet ends!!


A Car. One old 1988 Honda which is noisy and giving me lot of trouble! What can I do for that? I want to change it but money? Those
stupid apartment owners and ruthless government is taking major portion of our
salary!! And if it is not enough the insurance companies are also not behind.
2000 dollars of amount just in Car insurance!! How strange!! Who manages this country - OK in India we have 33 Crore God to take care, here only Jesus!!

A trip to Niagara can be an achievement and a trip to Wonderland also. When the whole country is Wonder why should we not see one piece of land called Wonderland.

And those doctors, oh god, who fools giving this country best country rating? So
slow doctors, hospitals and asking for blood test for each every small problems. Who is handling it?

One trip to New York City was good. Was able to see World Trade Center! Great memories.


After a year we are on the looser side. The moral is down, the education is ruined,
English is garbage, religion is at risk, eagerness to learn new things - where is new
labor job?

What is good in this country? A Highly Educated Labor Force in the World.

This is my proof of life is tough in canada initially and maybe throughout your stay in canada.

.......... quite interesting though discouraging.....
after reading such posts i really wonder whether i m taking a right decisions or am i still in fantasies abt canada.......

Member since: Jan 06
Posts: 74
Location: Toronto

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 30-01-10 02:35:36

Thats one of the best advantage I received from reading the posts in canadian desi before my arrival to Canada. We get a chance to mentally prepare what we can except in Canada after landing. The above story is somewhat common to most of the immigrants. I would say these discussions would help us to have a smooth landing and gradual transition to Canadian society.

Many thanks to the founders of this website...

Member since: Jul 03
Posts: 2713
Location: Kitchener, ON

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 30-01-10 07:48:40

Gopalpai, prince 77 and RBO, please stop picking at each other. It is a very cheap way of getting at others by pulling up their old posts.

Give free food http://www.thehungersite.com ||

Member since: Apr 05
Posts: 387
Location: Canada

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 30-01-10 11:09:00

ok raj......I apologise if i have made any sort of offensive comments.

Originally posted by rajcanada

Gopalpai, prince 77 and RBO, please stop picking at each other. It is a very cheap way of getting at others by pulling up their old posts.


Member since: Jul 09
Posts: 917

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 30-01-10 11:17:14

I am sorry, raj, I am not picking at old post, but giving proof of what I posted. You are again getting me wrong. You tell other cd's not to tell us to leave country. I am only proving that what I wrote on the forum is truth.

The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.”
Mahatma Gandhi

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