eye opener to future immigrants.

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Member since: Aug 06
Posts: 1761
Location: Mississauaga

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 08-02-10 13:37:01

Originally posted by ILOVENA

Gopalpai's posts are laudable, but like every other new immigrant, is confused. On one hand, she is depressed, dejected and sees only dark clouds on the whole Canadian horizon. Then she goes out of her way to write about new openings she came across.

I hope she and others take this in the proper perspective. Most immigrants with great skills and education go through this phase - It is hard to get entry into the job market, despite many years of experience, and post graduate education from third world countries like India & Pakistan. There are barriers like certification, or going back to school here to get a job. Then, the only jobs available to them are the "labor jobs" involving "heavy lifting". That can be very demeaning and insulting to someone who is adept at using mental skills, and not physical labor.

Many others have written about this in this forum before. That said, what are the choices before a new immigrant?

1) Rant we can, but that won't make a difference, unless we join hands to make representations, protests and bring greater visibility to the barriers that we face. Some may say that this has been done before by the press, but Canadian society is conveniently looking the other way.

2) On a micro level, each of us can choose the best option- like going back to school, and choosing a survival job like call centers. Then when the certification is done, one can look to a job in his or her own profession.

3) One can stay in a survival job for three plus years, become a canadian citizen and try one's luck in the US job market.

4) Pack one's bags and go back to their own country. I am NOT suggesting this become there are lot of ranters on this forum - but because that may be a good option for some. After all, there are some who can find their fortune, back home, isn't it?

The One option that I do not favor, is to stay here, not do anything to further one's interests (like going back to school, taking up a survival job, certification etc) and keep writing thread after thread about "racism", "discrimination", etc.

I believe in free speech, and there is nothing wrong in writing about these factors that affect us - it just does not help because we stay where we are - it only makes us bitter, sore, and dejected. It makes us pessimistic and paralyzes us to a point where we can't see any hope. It's easy to be negative, but needs a lot of effort to give ourselves hope.

There is no idea that will suit everyone. Each of us must have the courage to introspect, and choose our own path to success and glory.

Have you heard the oft repeated proverb "Fortune favors the brave"?. Nothing can be closer to the truth, than this proverb.

Good luck to everyone in his/her endeavor!

Very well said ILOVENA, totally agreed,

I don't have any problem with GP,but if everyone think negatively regarding Canada. How so many immigrants stiil living here happily and enjoying their life here?

I know intial stage is always struggle for everyone, but IMO if you always think negatively about everyting than automatically your life will lead you towards negative thoughts and depression easily.

Just 2 cents from myside.

Be possitive towards life......God bless everyone and pray to God for success and Happy for everyone.

Member since: Jan 09
Posts: 295

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 08-02-10 13:52:31

Well blue peafowl: It is not about attacking people personally.

I have a right to be concerned about all the negativity here. If you are a die-hard pessimist, you obviously will have no problem with those who keep ranting about all the issues in Canada.

I have no problem in proclaiming that I am balanced. If my being a die hard optimist, a positive person, who sees nothing but a great life in Canada - is a problem for you, that is nothing I can do. There is no shortage of pessimists on this forum. If you want to join them, I have no problems with that.

I still hold that you need the extra courage to be a die-hard optimist. Which path you want to choose is something only you have control over.

What the OP calls "awareness" is nothing short of pessimism, We really don't need people to spread negativity - there is already so much around!

As for you, Blue peafowl - Assuming I am totally wrong, what advice do you have for people, to better their lives here?

Member since: Aug 06
Posts: 5286
Location: Canada

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 08-02-10 14:56:34

What you might consider 'balanced' may be over optimistic for others and vice versa ...

To each his own - why don't we allow freedom of expression on the forum ?

Just because a person's views don't match ours -- is that a reason for that person or us to change ...

You post in yours and let the others post in theirs . To each his own .


Member since: Aug 06
Posts: 5286
Location: Canada

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 08-02-10 14:58:40

Originally posted by ILOVENA

What the OP calls "awareness" is nothing short of pessimism, We really don't need people to spread negativity - there is already so much around!

And who is this "we " .. Do you think you represent the Candian desi populace already ?

C mon , lets speak for ourselves ... readers should be aware enough to read all and make their own judgments ... Lets not be hudgmental of others and then in what capacity ?


Member since: Aug 06
Posts: 5286
Location: Canada

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 08-02-10 15:01:23

--deleted --


Member since: Jan 07
Posts: 980

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 02-03-10 15:05:34


Member since: May 07
Posts: 17

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 03-03-10 12:11:54

I hear you, the author of this thread. My journey has had it's own bitter moments, for the first 6 months there was this nagging thought about moving back, I've laid that to rest, this is my new home, I've embraced it.

Coming from the mid-east we do have savings, so we have decided to build up equity and buy ourselves a home. No matter what you say about the system here, I refer it to my spouse, you can't live without it - can't live with it. :)

I'm not employed currently, but that doesn't make me less of a man. I've been with the co-op thing you mentioned, the only difference is I got paid (handsomely) I put in a lot of effort into it, that's expected of web designer anyway!

I've also had the pleasure of of having a contract job for 3 weeks, they used my services and let me go. It hurt. But I moved on.

That's the fabric I'm made off, I'm not a quitter. My call goes out to all aspiring immigrants to Canada, it is a land of opportunity -- Just believe in yourself for crying out loud.

God bless you all.

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