eye opener to future immigrants.

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Member since: Jul 09
Posts: 917

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 25-01-10 14:41:10

People who have migrated with us that is from May 2009, please post, how many landed and how many got job and how are still jobless and how many returned to gulf/India after trying for job 2-3 months.

please post sincerely and honestly so, that we can give true pictures to new immigrants as to what to expect from canada job market.

I request all the professionals/everybody who landed from May 2009 (i.e almost 8-9 months) to come forward and give their opinion to future immigrants, so that they come mentally and financially prepared before landing.

The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.”
Mahatma Gandhi

Member since: Jan 09
Posts: 22

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 26-01-10 07:51:11

interesting post gopalai..since I am coming shortly would be good to know..also
would be interesting to know how much finance is needed to sustain for 6 months at least without a job ??

Member since: Aug 04
Posts: 295
Location: TORONTO

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 26-01-10 08:05:24

Hi craze...

find below link for the answer by gopal pai


good luck

Hi to all...

Member since: Jan 07
Posts: 980

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 27-01-10 12:42:57

This post has no value, the job market world wide is tough and canada is no different.

Getting a job in canada depends on many things.. which include the job market, the skill of the person, international experience..

India has more growth than Canada so obviously there will be more jobs.. A qualified person will have a easier time finding a job in india than canada.

So now it is a individuals choice what he is willing to sacrifice to settle down in canada for quality of life reasons..

If people are migrating to make a quick buck and move back, those days are gone..

I will give an example of my wife who migrated with the same set of stupid notions that everything is easy here..

She came to canada in May 2007 on a spousal sponsorship, I had a very good job when she came here. She had an engg degree and sales and marketing experience for 3 years..

Her exp was counted as zilche and she actually did not even get calls for call center jobs.. After 2 months of frustration i suggested she take up some store jobs to improve her communication , after a lot of negative thoughts she decided to listen and took up a job at Tim hortons part time so that she could continue on her career building.

After 7 months she used the money she made at Tim hortons for training and took up a QA course for a month , as luck would have it one of the companies i knew was hiring interns and she got a paid assignment for 8 months after which due to some budget issues the company let her go.. she was on EI for 2 months after which she got a QA contract at some other company for 8 more months

If she had to do it today it would be next to impossible considering the job market today.

But it also shows if u are a little bit creative and have some good guidance and willing to work hard and adapt you will get success..

Thats why the best age group to migrate is 20s to early 30s. If u are migrating after that get ready for some though times here..

Member since: May 07
Posts: 79
Location: GTA

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 27-01-10 16:12:39

What about teachers? Wonder how they fare here? A math teacher for middle-high school with over 15 yrs of experience.

I'am curently working on a voluntary job at a elemantary school. I've completed the upgrade course required.

Thank you

Member since: Jan 05
Posts: 449

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 28-01-10 11:48:28

If people are migrating to make a quick buck and move back, those days are gone..

Indeed they are gone.

After 7 months she used the money she made at Tim hortons for training and took up a QA course for a month , as luck would have it one of the companies i knew was hiring interns and she got a paid assignment for 8 months after which due to some budget issues the company let her go.. she was on EI for 2 months after which she got a QA contract at some other company for 8 more months

If she had to do it today it would be next to impossible considering the job market today.

But it also shows if u are a little bit creative and have some good guidance and willing to work hard and adapt you will get success..

Thats why the best age group to migrate is 20s to early 30s. If u are migrating after that get ready for some though times here..

Why can't the same be done today ? I think the job market of 2010 is like it was in May 2007 or not ?

Member since: Jul 09
Posts: 917

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 28-01-10 12:01:50

if the post has no value, why do you reply and waste your precious time. If it doesn't have value then you shoud ignore such post.

This is my sincere advise to those who has already well settled jobs here and are very happy and boasting, wait till you lose your job and you don't get jobs for 2-3 months, see whether after staying in canada for 3-5 years if you have enough savings to survive jobless for 8-10 months like we did. So keep your big talks to yourself and let us concerntrate on reality. To new immigrants and not so well settled canadian/newly landed immigrants, the true fact is that, you cannot save much in canada so, people get tensed up if they are jobless even for 1 month unless they are enjoying EI. They will never have savings like we (gulf people do) because of high Tax. Everybody here have loans and mortgages.

True fact is you never have much savings in canada. People here are worried about paying their mortgages also. Is it not the truth? Let me put in some examples of people trying to earn here. Here young housewives earn by childcare (no Licence) $2/- per hour or $ 20 per day. Here old ladies/young ladies earn $50 per month per child by taking your children walking to school and bringing them back from school. If you wish your child to have ride in car/mini van to school and back then pay $80 - $90 per month. I have seen women over 60-70 doing this service of taking child to school walking and bring back in such cold. If we are expected to work like this at the age of 60+ I don't think I need to continue....

The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.”
Mahatma Gandhi

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