eye opener to future immigrants.

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Member since: Jan 07
Posts: 980

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 07-02-10 11:44:12

There is a reason why u see more Desis doing labor jobs because about 40% of the skilled class immigrants are desis , another 40% is chinese , 10% may be african and carribean that leaves only 10% white immigrants..

Most of the chinese end up working in chinese grocery stores, which are not glamorous either..

People have to start from fresh because of
1> Licensing requirements
2> canadian experience
3> Language/communication skills

If cic starts rejecting for soft skills people will start screaming of racism, but nobody can teach these things and have to be acquired with time and effort.

For every person who complains after coming here and seeing this kind of hardships there are 10 people desperately waiting in india to get their immigration.

Originally posted by Airwarrior

It is ironical to start afresh from the bottom; and nobody in this forum mentions that when u go to factories to do labor job do u find any European immigrant or fair people doing the same job...never..we Highly qualified Desis do it..becoz we came with an ambition to achieve something here..

Member since: Jun 09
Posts: 11
Location: Kitchener/Waterloo area

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 07-02-10 22:00:55

Gopalpai, I hardly ever contribute to this forum, but after reading your following post, I could not resist. Firstly, I really appreciate that you are truthful, honest and express very well. Your story of the first year is exactly what happened to me but then the life changed in the second year.

To indicate my experiences, I am just adding some inputs in brackets ( ) in the following post of Gopalpai

"One year! It seems that it is a big achievement in the life! -- What we did in this first year? --The first day or rather night was good here. Forovan (Highway 401) took us to the Scarborough (North York) from Airport in the evening around 7.00 PM after KLM's (Air Canada's) tiring journey. The city lights were amazing (or looked amazing at that time). The night was sleepless! --- Next morning we were taken by our kind host to Scarborough Civic Center. The queue was long. Long enough to indicate us that how many people are coming to this country every day. --- The second day was not bad. At least it was better than rest of the days. After our eyes were settled after looking at the lights and glamour of Scarborough Center and other malls, I was advised to start looking for a job - a labor job! I was shocked - man! I am a Civil (Computer) Engineer, was in charge of a division in Narmada (Pakistan) and you are asking me to do labor job!! He must be kidding I said to myself. Or he must be underestimating my skills. --- And after sleepless nights of about a week, I came out of frustration. It was good. I was prepared to do labor job. And my journey started with lifting boxes (cleaning wearhouse garbage). A Year!! It is over. It is over and we are happy though it was like a nightmare!! Five jobs in a year two layoffs good enough to get Canadian Experience. (I was fired from 2 jobs and on the 3rd job just when my boss was about to fire me I took initiative and asked to quit the job... so technically was fired thrice). Wife - who never came out of our home at India (Pakistan) to cut boxes and fill bottles of glue and sorted old dirty clothes (to serve at a coffee shop) - no choice we had to meet ends!! "

But Gopalpai, in my second year I got a good job and in the third year got a six figure job. Basically I am an ex-military officer and have posted experiences in "success stories". Gopalpai, please don't loose heart and keep up the good work you are doing. I fully support you.

Member since: Sep 09
Posts: 19

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 08-02-10 00:55:09

I strongly suggest u spend more time improving ur situation than advising people on such matters with a negative frame of mind that you have developed.. it does not help anyone..

you comments only prove you and few other people are taking it in negative frame of mind since you are already well settled in canada. majority who are new immigrants or who are future immigrants are taking her post in right frame of mind and appreicating her efforts. she has not developed any frame of mind but she is posting whatever is truth.

why don't you practice what you preach. You are there on the on the forum since 2007 and gopalpai is there since 2009. you should also not waste your time replying to such thread on forum and waste your time. instead you should spend more time improving ur situation too.

Member since: Aug 06
Posts: 36

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 08-02-10 03:11:28

Gopalpai, I do understand your passion to help others. Not everone in like you.
Just dont be dishearted and keep up your GOOD WORK.


Member since: Jan 09
Posts: 295

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 08-02-10 10:04:14

Gopalpai's posts are laudable, but like every other new immigrant, is confused. On one hand, she is depressed, dejected and sees only dark clouds on the whole Canadian horizon. Then she goes out of her way to write about new openings she came across.

I hope she and others take this in the proper perspective. Most immigrants with great skills and education go through this phase - It is hard to get entry into the job market, despite many years of experience, and post graduate education from third world countries like India & Pakistan. There are barriers like certification, or going back to school here to get a job. Then, the only jobs available to them are the "labor jobs" involving "heavy lifting". That can be very demeaning and insulting to someone who is adept at using mental skills, and not physical labor.

Many others have written about this in this forum before. That said, what are the choices before a new immigrant?

1) Rant we can, but that won't make a difference, unless we join hands to make representations, protests and bring greater visibility to the barriers that we face. Some may say that this has been done before by the press, but Canadian society is conveniently looking the other way.

2) On a micro level, each of us can choose the best option- like going back to school, and choosing a survival job like call centers. Then when the certification is done, one can look to a job in his or her own profession.

3) One can stay in a survival job for three plus years, become a canadian citizen and try one's luck in the US job market.

4) Pack one's bags and go back to their own country. I am NOT suggesting this become there are lot of ranters on this forum - but because that may be a good option for some. After all, there are some who can find their fortune, back home, isn't it?

The One option that I do not favor, is to stay here, not do anything to further one's interests (like going back to school, taking up a survival job, certification etc) and keep writing thread after thread about "racism", "discrimination", etc.

I believe in free speech, and there is nothing wrong in writing about these factors that affect us - it just does not help because we stay where we are - it only makes us bitter, sore, and dejected. It makes us pessimistic and paralyzes us to a point where we can't see any hope. It's easy to be negative, but needs a lot of effort to give ourselves hope.

There is no idea that will suit everyone. Each of us must have the courage to introspect, and choose our own path to success and glory.

Have you heard the oft repeated proverb "Fortune favors the brave"?. Nothing can be closer to the truth, than this proverb.

Good luck to everyone in his/her endeavor!

Member since: Dec 08
Posts: 1351
Location: Brampton, Ont, Canada

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 08-02-10 10:59:23

Originally posted by ILOVENA

Gopalpai's posts are laudable, but like every other new immigrant, is confused. On one hand, she is depressed, dejected and sees only dark clouds on the whole Canadian horizon. Then she goes out of her way to write about new openings she came across.

I hope she and others take this in the proper perspective. Most immigrants with great skills and education go through this phase - It is hard to get entry into the job market, despite many years of experience, and post graduate education from third world countries like India & Pakistan. There are barriers like certification, or going back to school here to get a job. Then, the only jobs available to them are the "labor jobs" involving "heavy lifting". That can be very demeaning and insulting to someone who is adept at using mental skills, and not physical labor.

Many others have written about this in this forum before. That said, what are the choices before a new immigrant?

1) Rant we can, but that won't make a difference, unless we join hands to make representations, protests and bring greater visibility to the barriers that we face. Some may say that this has been done before by the press, but Canadian society is conveniently looking the other way.

2) On a micro level, each of us can choose the best option- like going back to school, and choosing a survival job like call centers. Then when the certification is done, one can look to a job in his or her own profession.

3) One can stay in a survival job for three plus years, become a canadian citizen and try one's luck in the US job market.

4) Pack one's bags and go back to their own country. I am NOT suggesting this become there are lot of ranters on this forum - but because that may be a good option for some. After all, there are some who can find their fortune, back home, isn't it?

The One option that I do not favor, is to stay here, not do anything to further one's interests (like going back to school, taking up a survival job, certification etc) and keep writing thread after thread about "racism", "discrimination", etc.

I believe in free speech, and there is nothing wrong in writing about these factors that affect us - it just does not help because we stay where we are - it only makes us bitter, sore, and dejected. It makes us pessimistic and paralyzes us to a point where we can't see any hope. It's easy to be negative, but needs a lot of effort to give ourselves hope.

There is no idea that will suit everyone. Each of us must have the courage to introspect, and choose our own path to success and glory.

Have you heard the oft repeated proverb "Fortune favors the brave"?. Nothing can be closer to the truth, than this proverb.

Good luck to everyone in his/her endeavor!

I dont see any problem wtih GP's posting regarding Dark side of Canada for new immigrants ( its funny many ppl here has problem with dark side post on Canada while they are very happy to post Dark side of India - double standard)

its always good to have both opinion, there are ppl posing their opinion on good and bad sides - so that will help ppl decide

NOTE: IlOVENA - just curiouse Y do u always attack ppl personally ?

'Some goals are so worthy, it's glorious even to fail.' (Param Vir Chakra awardee Lt. Manoj Pandey)

Member since: Jul 09
Posts: 917

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 08-02-10 11:00:11

you really feel I am bitter, depressed,dejected or whatever you write. My dear let me tell you, I am posting facts. I am not depressed etc etc you are assuming too much. I am very positive and determined person.

I have achieved success here within months of landing whereas it took me atleast 2-3 years in other countries.My dear, initially I faced teething problems which everybody faces. You don't seem to leave a chance to tell me what to do. If you don't like my thread on the post, please don't read it let alone reply to it. I don't like so many thread like where we can get chicken chettinad etc but Do I reply and hurt those people. I leave such thread alone since I am not interested in such thread nor have time for such thread.

It is not necessary for you to reply to every thread. My threads are just to bring awareness among new immigrants and future immigrants who come here with such hopes and then their hopes are shattered. I want them to come with their eyes open for hardship they will be facing for initial 1-2 years.

The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.”
Mahatma Gandhi

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