Hi Karloche,
Congratulations for getting your citizenship.
I am agree about your background check information. One of my collegue last year got his citizenship and when he applied for passport, the Passport office performed a background check. He had given my reference in the office and the PP office called me. Below are certain questions they asked for him.
1) Since how many years I know the person?
2) How does he look like?
3) What is the color of his eyes?
4) How do I know that person and how is his behaviour with other people in the enviornment (work,social etc) ?
5) Tell us more about the person...
I am not sure about below question but they might ask....
6) Does the person has violated a law or committed a crime that I know about?
Considering above questions that I know about, it is important that we provide a good reference as you(kalroche) mentioned.
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