I have a situation where my old employer's H1-B which i have it stamped on my passport is getting expired on july-21-2004.
Although i have my current employer's approved visa with me. But i have not got a chance to get it stamped on my passport. I have been to India January this year, and yet didn't get time to stamp it. My new employer's H1-B is getting expired in September'2005.
Considering in mind this situation of mine, what problem may/ may not come up and most importantly, how to counter act for them ??
thanks, rucshaca
Under this currect USA INS strict rules and regulations it will be better if you could get your H1B visa stamped on your new H1B approval
Earlier it was easier to convince POE officers and some of my friends were able to reenter showing valid H1B visa from their earlier emplyer and new emplyer H1B approval
If you are planning to renter after H1B visa expire I don't think POE will allow you
Anyway I would advice you to post your queries in http://www.murthy.com" rel="nofollow">LINK
oh, iam so sorry to write this in concern with my Canadian Immigration. Actually, let me rephrase my question:
question: based on my last post, what would happen in my Canadian Immigration Interview, which is though not date-certain yet, but i have got a letter from the Canadian immigration that i would be interviewed soon.
i have got my CAIPS NOTES too.
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