Applicant from Mumbai,India---Quebec Immigration----Seek your advise

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Member since: Sep 11
Posts: 4
Location: Earth

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 20-09-11 13:48:52

Hi all @ CD,

Kudos to all members who are doing a great job by suggesting fellow immigration aspirants.

Have been following CD for sometimes now and need your suggestion/guidence...


A. sales & marketing professional with 5+ year work Ex in Mumbai, india.
Hospitality sales (five star hotels sales including Startwood), Currently in
Banking sales,specialise in corporate sales.

B. Have Done Masters in marketing in india from a indian university.

C. 29 years of age with competencies in Analytical skills, business
development, client servicing, Account aquisition etc..

D. No knowledge of French, have started classes from Alliance, determined to


1. With my work Ex & Edu background, do i stand a chance for Quebec
immigration visa....? I have done assessment & im eligible to apply.

2. I understand Quebec will be a tough bet for a sales professional as
language will be major barrier, but with dedication to learn French can i
achieve to steer a career in Quebec....?

3. Have already paid to an immigration consultant in india to start the
process ( as i dont get much time in my current job to put all efforts) .Does
hiring a consultant will improve chances of proper filing and timely
submission of application...?

4. What will be the weightage given to French language in granting a visa for
Quebec....? My consultant said, basic understanding of french & expression
of basis day today needs in will suffice to clear visa requirement...Is this

Please suggest me at the earliest, your answers will help me with more clarity to follow right path in my application process...

Looking forward for your kind responses....

your fellow aspirant.

Member since: Jan 07
Posts: 980

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 20-09-11 18:13:07

Why apply for Quebec?

If u cant speak French well ur chances of finding a sales job are next to nil..

Member since: Aug 06
Posts: 155
Location: Ottawa

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 20-09-11 22:20:49

Originally posted by highflyer

Hi all @ CD,

Kudos to all members who are doing a great job by suggesting fellow immigration aspirants.

Have been following CD for sometimes now and need your suggestion/guidence...


A. sales & marketing professional with 5+ year work Ex in Mumbai, india.
Hospitality sales (five star hotels sales including Startwood), Currently in
Banking sales,specialise in corporate sales.

B. Have Done Masters in marketing in india from a indian university.

C. 29 years of age with competencies in Analytical skills, business
development, client servicing, Account aquisition etc..

D. No knowledge of French, have started classes from Alliance, determined to


1. With my work Ex & Edu background, do i stand a chance for Quebec
immigration visa....? I have done assessment & im eligible to apply.

2. I understand Quebec will be a tough bet for a sales professional as
language will be major barrier, but with dedication to learn French can i
achieve to steer a career in Quebec....?

3. Have already paid to an immigration consultant in india to start the
process ( as i dont get much time in my current job to put all efforts) .Does
hiring a consultant will improve chances of proper filing and timely
submission of application...?

4. What will be the weightage given to French language in granting a visa for
Quebec....? My consultant said, basic understanding of french & expression
of basis day today needs in will suffice to clear visa requirement...Is this

Please suggest me at the earliest, your answers will help me with more clarity to follow right path in my application process...

Looking forward for your kind responses....

your fellow aspirant.

I don't have answers to your specific questions, but I would like to point out that if you were really following CD or any forums, there is really nothing that a consultant can do that one can't do by reading CIC website etc. To answer your question about French, unless you are remarkably great, French will not be an easy language to pick-up that quickly to reach to a level of functional state. I don't have knowledge about province specific immigration but I would also like to point out that Quebec French is little different than one in France.
Good luck,

Member since: Sep 11
Posts: 4
Location: Earth

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 21-09-11 00:38:07

Thank you dudewheresmycar & Kisi for your kind responses..

Have chosen Quebec immigration as my occupation is not listed in Federal skilled worker program and im pretty serious of migrating to Canada...Are there any other options for me which make my entry smoother..

My spouse has done Masters in Finance with 5 years experinece as Credit Manager & Product Manager (currently with no 1 pvt bank in india)....will it be wise to make my wife main applicant....? as this might increase chances of securing Finance job easier than a sales job in Quebec...

As rightly said unless i have good conversation skills in french, finding a job in sales will be difficult in Quebec......but I want to start somewhere now (joined Alliance for French) & practically giving myself min 3 years to settle in a decent & relevent job in Quebec.

1.Please advise, i have 4 years of experience in Five star hotel sales in india
(1 years with startwood,Westin Hotels & Resorts 1 year as BDM)...will it be
relatively easier for me to find a job in hotels as my competencies are good
for this job.

2. I want to start intensive courses for learning french in Mumbai, i dont find recognised bodies offering this, Alliance does have regular courses to offer but most othe courses or either weekday & weekend classes stretching for min 3 months to complete one level, they are costlier & doesn't suit time schedule for a 9 am to 8pm office goer like me...

I request all senior to give kind inputs, your suggestions will help me do all right things in the immigation process and i am just kick starting by applying...

Thank you...

Member since: Aug 10
Posts: 2009

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 24-09-11 14:11:44


1. With my work Ex & Edu background, do i stand a chance for Quebec
immigration visa....? I have done assessment & im eligible to apply.

ANS ; if eligible , YES you do have chance

2. I understand Quebec will be a tough bet for a sales professional as
language will be major barrier, but with dedication to learn French can i
achieve to steer a career in Quebec....?

ANS - No matter how many courses you do and even if half the mumbai start to speak french along with you, you cannot achieve the level you need for getting sales job.
You can put in effort in french today but it will not be time well spent.

3. Have already paid to an immigration consultant in india to start the
process ( as i dont get much time in my current job to put all efforts) .Does
hiring a consultant will improve chances of proper filing and timely
submission of application...?

ANS - you do not have time to apply and aiming to learn french ! :-). do not try that.
hiring a consultant will help only if you do not want to spend time yourself plus yes he in his own interest will keep pushing you for collecting papers else you yourself will take much longer to apply. Another advantage which i got when i applied was i did not have the permanat address where i could recieve CIC letters (over a period of 6 yrs) , the consultant was always responding to letters from cic promptly.

4. What will be the weightage given to French language in granting a visa for
Quebec....? My consultant said, basic understanding of french & expression
of basis day today needs in will suffice to clear visa requirement...Is this

In your case NO advantage, you cannot include the points for french language.. I doubt your consultant's knowledge here , how can he suggest you that, I hope you know you will have to prove your proficiency in french through TEF examination.

I suggest , instead of spending time on french , you and your wife should do some internationally recognised certifications.
Also collect lot of money before coming along with certifications. and you Sir, be open minded to change your career options from sales to some other function. Sales job are bit tough to find here.

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