I came to Canada as a landed immigrant in June 2001, and stayed here for 2 years. However in July 2003 I got an offer and left for US and presently working with H1B status.
I have left my earlier bank accounts intact and have received all my statements in the address of my friend. Similarly my Canadian license bears the address of my friend in Toronto.
I filed the tax return for 2003 showing both Canadian and american income.
As per records I am present in Canada for last 3 years. Moreover I have the proof of residence (driving license and receipt of bank statements). Now is it adviceable for me to apply for Canadian citizenship.
I know a couple of people who had obtained their citizenship in this way.
"I know a couple of people who had obtained their citizenship in this way."
Why dont you ask them for advice. Why post it here?
How will you answer for the income from the US that you have shown in the IT returns? Will that construe as evidence that you have been working in the US?
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