Originally posted by baderish
I'm looking at Writer or Crown Reolcations for transferring my household belongings to Canada from India. Anyone had any experience with them? What's the feedback?
- Baderish
Crown is in this link.
Moving Companies:
1st Move Internatinal - A UK to Canada household goods shipping company.
Shipping2canada.com - this service will get you several quotes from reputable shipping firms. I have been in communication with the owner of this business, who started the business primarily to ensure new Canadian immigrants get treated well by moving companies. Also includes useful resource information on the move back process.
Williams Moving International - a major Canadian moving company that handles international HHG moving.
Crown Worldwide - Relocations - a top tier mover. Expect it to be expensive but thorough. Specializes in many parts of the world in moving corporate and oil industry expats, so offices in Toronto and Alberta but not other parts of Canada.
Allied Pickfords - This is a top tier mover. Expect it to be expensive but thorough.
General Moving Back to Canada Resource sites:
mycurrencytransfer.com - A company that can help you find the cheapest way to transfer your money back to Canada from many countries in the world. An alternative to using the banking system.
Navut.com - This site can help you find the best neighbourhood to live in. Only major cities in Canada listed, but a great resource that can help you craft the lifetyle you want when you move back to Canada.
thecanadianexpat.com - The Canadian Expatriate Association. Lots of useful resources and links here for Canadian expats abroad.
Canukabroad.com - Well, the name says it all. Some relocation information and other goodies on this site. A popular discussion forum on this site. They also have a travel service.
Canadiansresidentabroad.com - More to do with investing your money and avoiding being declared resident of Canada, but regular articles on preparing to come home. Focus of this company is selling investment products and tax consulting services, but they have some useful resources in their newsletters and on their web site.
Escapeartist.com - The name does not say it all. Information for expats and wannabe expats now living in Canada. Some useful resources and lots of links to other potentially useful sites.
Canadianexpatriatetax.com - "Robert R. MacDonald - Canadian Expatriate Tax Consultant". 'Nuff said. If you use Robert's services and were referred from this web site, please tell him. Also, please contact me and let me know if you were happy with his service. I have no feedback as of yet. .
OneStop Canada - Customs and Immigration - a great resource page with links to useful CBSA resources and forms for when you arrive back to Canada. (Thanks to Patty Juno for suggesting this page for inclusion here!)
Small Planet Studios - Been Abroad? - a resource site for people who are returning after being abroad. Free resources and classes. Getting involved with a supportive community can really help.
X-expats.com - "Helping repatriates and X-expatriates reassimilate into their home country's culture and practices" A newer site about returning home. Resources, videos, and more coming.
"Moving to Canada" guide produced by Atlas Van LInes. A nice summary document that is useful to expats as well as the intended audience of people moving to Canada for the first time.
Most of the shippers would like to have a long leash and leave the charges OPEN, so choose the one who will provide you with the exact expenses and PROMPT delivery.