I heard OCI can take between 2-4 months time , I just got canadian citizenship
I have to travel india, what should i do , get travel visa , do they give multiple entry ?
Yes there are delays associated with the issue of O.C.I. Documents and it comes out of India.
So, if you need to travel in a hurry, apply for a SIX month Tourist/visitors' visa and after you return organize to aplly for the same. Also you can use the Canadian Passport for the first six months from the date of issue. It is a multiple entry visa. Make sure of that before its issue.(in your application)
It is a very good idea. AND when you got to go.... you got to go.
Originally posted by Amvk
I heard OCI can take between 2-4 months time , I just got canadian citizenship
I have to travel india, what should i do , get travel visa , do they give multiple entry ?
Thanks !
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