Currently, those applications which have entered into the secondary review are taking an additional six months in their examination of the documents. Some times it takes as long as 13-14 months, fr4om the date of applying. BUT..
there is always a but.. They are forced to issue to you a PR at that time and they find it has become mandatory to do that. You will have to watch from there on when you apply for your Citizenship. Get all of your papers in proper order and verify them, or start to verify them yourself. That way you will be ahead of the game and will not experience a similar agonizing delay when you apply for your Citizenship and a Passport to go with it.
Good Luck.
Originally posted by new_migrant
My wife has a similar issue. Her PR renewal case is under secondary review.
She received a letter from Immigration and we submitted colour copies of all pages of her passport with separate cover letter detailing entry/exit dates.
Its more than a month now and we have no clue on the further process.
How much time does it normally take to receive the new PR card when the case is under secondary review.
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