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Full House   
Member since: Oct 12
Posts: 2677

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 24-06-16 03:09:04

WATCH ABOVE: WATCH LIVE: Reaction following U.K.?s decision to leave EU in Brexit vote.
The U.K has voted for a Brexit. BBC, Sky News and the Guardian are reporting enough votes have been cast in the history-making referendum to pave the way for the United Kingdom to leave the European Union.

At the time of publication, there were more than 16,800,000 votes to leave the EU ? the number needed to win the referendum. There were more than 15,800,000 votes in favour or remaining in the 28-nation block.

The U.K. Electoral Commission earlier estimated 72 per cent voter turnout, higher than last year?s general election.

With a significant enough lead in votes to leave the European Union, U.K. Independence Party leader and top Brexit proponent Nigel Farage saw victory on the horizon just after 11 p.m ET (4 a.m. in London).

Before a crowd of cheering supporters, Farage told supporters to ?Let June 23rd go down in history as our Independence Day.? That was with more than 130 counting areas to declare results, according to BBC. At that point in time, the leave campaign was leading with 10,254,802 compared to 9,832,535 votes to remain at the time of his comments.

SEE The slaughter in the markets. We all will pay for it for a very long time. And you don't know how...! A Brexit probably will weaken Britain. When's there's uncertainty, the financial markets tend to run on shares considered more stable and secure and get rid of those regarded as less steady, so there's a lot of short-term risk.


Garvo Gujarati   
Member since: Nov 01
Posts: 3117

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 24-06-16 08:25:12

I was expecting them to vote against exit. It seems majority of the people's sentiment against governments pro-immigrant policies and countries relatively poor condition has resulted into this one.

Hope Britain comes stronger as a result of this and so do the rest of European Union.

A Proud Indian Canadian

Member since: Jul 04
Posts: 2085
Location: Toronto

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 25-06-16 10:58:25

And now after all of that, a petition for second EU referendum gets over one million signatures

The online petition states - ?We the undersigned call upon HM Government to implement a rule that if the remain or leave vote is less than 60 per cent based a turnout less than 75 per cent there should be another referendum.?

They're just realizing what they voted for and now want a second chance

Did anyone buy British Pounds. If not there's still time to make some quick money :clap:

Reiki Grand Master

Member since: Feb 04
Posts: 117
Location: Northern Lights

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 25-06-16 21:19:16

Originally posted by sudesingh

And now after all of that, a petition for second EU referendum gets over one million signatures

The online petition states - ?We the undersigned call upon HM Government to implement a rule that if the remain or leave vote is less than 60 per cent based a turnout less than 75 per cent there should be another referendum.?

They're just realizing what they voted for and now want a second chance

Did anyone buy British Pounds. If not there's still time to make some quick money :clap:

Thanks for the advice , will buy british pounds .

Do you have any info / expertise on BIT COIN . Some of my friends are buying it . Please shre your thought / info on it .

Full House   
Member since: Oct 12
Posts: 2677

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 27-06-16 16:52:30

BREXIT THE MOVIE spells out the danger of staying as a part of the EU. Is it safe to give a remote Government beyond our control the power to make laws? Is it safe to tie ourselves to countries which are close to financial ruin, drifting towards scary political extremism, and suffering long-term, self-inflicted economic decline?

AFTERALL EU was also an experiment in futility..




Member since: Jul 03
Posts: 2713
Location: Kitchener, ON

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 27-06-16 21:01:29

Brexit, the movie, is highly biased towards "Leave" campaign. Facts have been twisted and people who do not know what is EU are confused further. It is not an objective documentary where you put both sides of the argument and compare which is better. EU is a complex system made up different entities. The European Parliament is elected by citizens of member states and this fact has been left out.

One of the downside of being in the EU would have been you cannot make local laws that supersede European laws. For example, EU citizens have right to live and work in any European country. UK could not have made a law that it is illegal for those who are from other parts of Europe to live and work in UK without some kind of visa. If you want to do that, you will have to come out the union.

Interestingly, Nigel Farage who was among those who led the "Leave" campaign admits 350 million pounds a week for the NHS was a 'mistake' on Good Morning Britain

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Full House   
Member since: Oct 12
Posts: 2677

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 28-06-16 17:16:00

My posting was after they got out of EU. But it goes to show much more biased they were prior to the voting session. It is worthy of note to see that the BRITS are leaving not because of any financial troubles or any discord. But because there are issues that they found they could not handle.

I can give you one where the people started to move in and started to buy properties and they housing market started to shoot up wards and people found that they cannot afford any homes in and around the major cities. Rents have shot up. Cost of living has gone through the roof etc., etc., And knowing what Brits are, they do not want many more investors, or any investors any more and I am sure they would like to keep them all out if at all they can. (These are not laws but are facts that are irritating to them) Jobs are also another issue that they brought about in their debates.

It is good to know both the sides and none of the other Governments did anything to promote the Union or gave them any incentives to stay behind and carry on as before.

Now they have a new head as a PM. Let us see where they are headed!

I am sorry for the Brits. But they wanted it that way.


Contributors: Full House(3) Garvo Gujarati(2) sudesingh(1) dhaval(1) rajcanada(1) Gurram(1)

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