Omar Khadr's Jihadi Jackpot - do you care?

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Member since: Nov 04
Posts: 938
Location: Brampton

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 13-07-17 11:22:18

Howz about if we start an online petition '#NotFromMyTaxDollars' to our PM? At least we can register our protest and raise voice.

A Delhite in Toronto

Member since: Aug 06
Posts: 1761
Location: Mississauaga

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 13-07-17 11:43:38

Originally posted by Delhite

Howz about if we start an online petition '#NotFromMyTaxDollars' to our PM? At least we can register our protest and raise voice.

Great idea, Delhite....I am in.....please share the petition link here too and will post on FB, Twitter, social media, whatsapp, etc...


Member since: Dec 08
Posts: 1351
Location: Brampton, Ont, Canada

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 13-07-17 12:33:34

No point wasting time with any petition ...

What happen to peel region prayer petition ??? NOTHING , NADA

Let's accept the FACT that Liberal is Mullah favorite party ....

I have boycott liberal you can do the same.

'Some goals are so worthy, it's glorious even to fail.' (Param Vir Chakra awardee Lt. Manoj Pandey)

Member since: Jul 03
Posts: 2713
Location: Kitchener, ON

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 13-07-17 13:19:58

Originally posted by RBO

Originally posted by Delhite

Howz about if we start an online petition '#NotFromMyTaxDollars' to our PM? At least we can register our protest and raise voice.

Great idea, Delhite....I am in.....please share the petition link here too and will post on FB, Twitter, social media, whatsapp, etc...


There are more than 50,000 signatures for this petition

Give free food ||

Member since: Aug 05
Posts: 2245
Location: Woodbridge

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 13-07-17 13:32:36

Originally posted by rajcanada

Legal experts' opinion is that government would have lost the case anyway.</font>

I highly doubt it will be lost cause. Legal battles are a lot of technicalities and if a conservative leaning lawyer was fighting the case - he would have presented/fought it differently. A judge can only rule based on what was presented to him from both the parties. In view of the current govt's 'liberal' attitude, I wouldn't be surprised if weak/non compelling arguments would have been made on behalf of the crown to enable the ruling.

It should be noted that the law ministry is not sad they lost the case, they are frustrated that the details of the compensation got leaked....surprise surprise ... they wanted to keep tax payers expenses secret..


Member since: Jan 12
Posts: 183

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 13-07-17 13:46:45

Originally posted by luckysaab

About time we the tax payers compensate this young man. The courts have spoken.

Those living off Trudeau's child tax benefits should not speak for hardworking Canadians. :D

The money has already reached Al-Qaeda's coffers!

Member since: Aug 10
Posts: 58

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 13-07-17 16:03:28

Originally posted by hchheda

Originally posted by luckysaab

About time we the tax payers compensate this young man. The courts have spoken.

<Long live Canada>

Sure, we should - if he can satisfactorily explain what was he doing in the war zone as a 15 year old?

Are you aware what he was compensated for?

And if the good looking PM can explain why the entire family still has Canadian citizenship despite strong evidence of extremists activities?

Is khadr a more deserving candidate for our tax dollars instead of the millions of cancer patients who cannot afford treatment? They have to buy their own medicine and bankrupt the family, but proven terrorist deserve compensation.. :sigh:

If he feels he deserves compensation for his hardships and troubles, he should demand from Al queeda who trained him and sent him to fight. He was not a Canadian soldier, he doesn't deserve compensation. He should not even be allowed to enter the country.



There are international laws for how to treat child soldiers that Canada is signatory. The Supreme Court of Canada (which I respect) said Kadr's Charter rights have been violated and rules in favor of Kadr. The Supreme Court also recommended the government follow the “responsible path” in settling with Mr. Khadr. This was back in 2010 but dumb Harper spent several million$ trying to fight un-winnable case. According to some estimate government would have to spend $40-million more to fight this and would likely lose in the end.

I'm not a lawyer and don't understand quantum mechanics but no problem with simple arithmetic. I would not spend $800 to fight a $100 speeding ticket but then I'm not Steven Harper.

<Long Live Canada>

I pointed you at the stars and all you saw was the tip of my finger

Contributors: hchheda(8) rajcanada(8) RaOne(6) RBO(5) luckysaab(2) Blue_Peafowl(2) loveall(1) Delhite(1)

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