Can someone tell us if abhinav outsourcing or canwest etc ... post landing services are good to take. I have a friend who did his post landing services like temp. accomodation & other basic work and paid around CAD 2500 in total including accomodation for 3 weeks.
I know these guys are immigration lawyers but post landing .. ?
Please advice
B+ is not just a blood group!
CAD $ 2500 is too much of money. It depends what kind of svcs did they provide. But in any case the amt was too much. Let me give you a break down:
1. Airport p/u anywhere in GTA max $100
2. 1 months rent depending on the size of the family, anywhere bet $600 to $1300
3. commute chgs for one person for initial formalities, max $100
So you see what I want to say here. Now if you could let us know, as to what kind of post landing svcs are these people offering, it would help us to determine or advise you whether it is worth it or not. Most of the imp things that one has to take care of immed after landing:
1. apply for SIN card (very easy - go to nearest HRDC off.) You can find nearest location on the internet.
2. Opening a bank acct (one of the easiest things) go to any bank with you passport, landing papers and copy of ackknowledgement from HRDC centre to prove that you did apply for SIN (although the third item is not a must).
3. Applying for a credit card, again very easy, talk to your banker.
4. finding an apt or house to rent. Once you have the initial accommodation, you can browse thru internet, local news papers, Indian Grocerry stores etc, You'll find ample of places, on your own.
5. Preparing a roper resume and start applying for jobs, again HRDC centre provides all these free of cost. They might ask you to pay a very small amy for photocopy and printing your resume. But otherwise they conduct free seminars, that you can attend to help you find a job.
I don't know what other svcs can be of any need. Pl do let me know, if you have any further Q. As far as bank acct and crdit card is concerned, do not worry at all, I will help you reg that, as I am a banker.
Think 5-6 tims, before hiring the svcs of any agencies, coz that amt is too much.
All the best
Let's help each other to grow & prosper in Canada
Dear reachash,
Thanks for your reply. I think i am going to take your advice. Just one questions? New comers like us who do not have family/friends etc will either spend on hotel or settlement agency for initial housing. We cant land with small children after 15hrs flight and start looking for accomodation.. we will need either hotel or settlement agency to take care of that which consitutes 60% of $2500 . Would you suggest something.
Alternatively can you network us up with a headhunter.
B+ is not just a blood group!
It's always my pleasure giving you any info, wch I am aware of. I still do not know what is the size of your family. But f you browse thru this website, there is one motel, wch you can arrange with for initial 1-2 months. It's pretty reasonable. Just check the section under, "Classified". Abt the headhunter as well there is a full section under, "JOBS". You can communicate with the advertisers, and if you want me to speak with them, on your behalf, I can do that as well. But the most imp thing they want is MONEY. They won't mind renting to you, as long as you remt some money.
I can understnad your position as to how can you send money w/out looking at the apt, but that's the risk you are gonna take. Just rent it for one month. And then you should be OK to check it on your own, once you are here.
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