comparison to canada with india

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Member since: Jun 04
Posts: 172
Location: Missisauga

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 02-09-04 02:46:19

Guys earning more than 20,000/ PM and with their own property need not come to canada...

Do or Die.....

Member since: Mar 04
Posts: 142
Location: Dubai

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 02-09-04 04:16:23

If someone is obsessed with Western Lifestyle and dream of change in life, he would come to Canada even if he is earning Rs 1 lakh per month.

In India even if you have a Mercedes and a posh villa, when you go out you still see beggars, pollution, slums, stinking canal, garbage left in road side, shanty town ...hardly any charm left.

There are rich people living in pleasant conditions, but they share the same 3rd grade infrastrucrure with everyone.

Canada is called a developed nation not because everyone earns $ 100k but because ..the way forefathers planned and built this beautiful country...

Irrespective of rich and poor, they share world class infrastructure (hospitals, airport, bridges, parks) and of course Industries......govt takes tax from you....may be a bit too much but takes care of the poor...

There is accountability for public funds...govt is liable to answer what they did with tax payers money......unlike in India where politicians eat 80% of that and dont have to answer anyone........


U win some...lose some...everything is not justified in this world.

Member since: Jul 04
Posts: 3

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 02-09-04 06:45:57

Excellent mail Deepcb - couldn't have said it better!

Member since: Aug 03
Posts: 1205
Location: Mississauga

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 02-09-04 08:46:54


You have dared to say what is considered a taboo by most on this forum --" All is NOT WRONG with Canada!!!"

Good Job


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Mishtar India   
Member since: Nov 03
Posts: 668
Location: Toronto

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 02-09-04 10:40:48

Very well said Deepcb.
It is all a matter of perception.

There are many people ready to give up their comfy lifestyle in india and come here and struggle from scratch and there are many people in Canada who are ready to go back to india despite all the drawbacks in india that you mention.

The biggest factor which makes these people percieve so differently is "sentiments".
For some like me , i came to Canada for all professional and personals reasons and have no intentions to go back ....but always find it hard to be away from india, purely because of sentiments attached with our place of birth.

We are furtunate to have the resources to migrate at will to Canada or any other coutry and call it our new home , but .... india will always have a special place in our hearts, for it is our land of birth.

This is a paradox every indian lives with in the West, the intensity of sentiments ofcourse varies from person to person.

Those who were born and grew up in india cannot compare india and Canada on the same platform, and i completely agree with Biomed here.

I have said this earlier and will say this again.
My mind brought me to Canada and will keep me here , but my heart remains and will always remain with India.

What can be imagined, can be achieved.

Member since: May 04
Posts: 299
Location: Toronto

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 02-09-04 11:07:43

Dear Mishtar India and Biomed,

100% True. and Great post.

India is India. Its not comparable things. We should do something to improve our Country instead of everytime blaming.


Member since: Jul 03
Posts: 700
Location: Mississauga, Ontario

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 02-09-04 12:27:12

Orginally posted by deepcb
There is accountability for public funds...govt is liable to answer what they did with tax payers money......unlike in India where politicians eat 80% of that and dont have to answer anyone........


Accountability for public funds in Canada????? check news articles for last 2 years.. I am sure after that you will rephrase your post :D

Thanks and regards.

"Change before you have to" : Jack Welch

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