The landing papers were issued after my re-medical reports (I had some health problems long time back) were certified as satisfactory by CHC, Delhi.
However, in my landing paper, it is mentioned in #43 (condition 32) that I need to report for medical checkup/treatment/surveillance once I land in Canada.
1) After landing, within what period do I need to report for medicals?
2) Do I report for meds. after I get my health card?
3) Can they deport me if they find anything adverse in my medical report?
4) Who will pay for the cost of medicals, or do I need to inform the private insurance company about this before buying insurance for the initial 3 months?
Kindly let me know.
Actually since this is Mr. Masood's section and since i wasn't aware of this I wasn't too keen on replying However I also noticed that this section is unanswered for a long time. Thought I would do some google search. Please read
This website could be old though with regards to inadmissibility due to medical ground check etc. after you land, I think you shoudl give the medical check the 1st priority just like how you would do for SIN card processing etc after you land.
For the 1st three months no doctors visit, hospitalisation etc is covered by the ontario govt. I think you should take a medical coverage before landing in Canada which will kick in as soon as you land in Canda which will cover you for medicals and doctors visits. If you do it upon landing there is a waiting period of 48 hrs. before you actually use it. Check the deductable and coverage limit and how expensive this treatment will be. Some medical coverages do not cover prexisting conditions.
Your Ontario health coverage will kick in only after 3 months of landing and that too no medicines are covereed only doctors visits etc. Most people get covered for medicines if they have full time jobs.
Deporting - please read the section on the website.
Hope this helps a bit. Don't worry about deportation. Everything in life has to happens, happens for reason. It is bitter ofcourse to accept it then but time will tell that was for the best.
I was just wondering what would happen to their medical surveillance if, after landing and collecting my PR card within a month, I came back to India for 3-4 months to tie up loose ends.
I guess, the surveillance is over a period of time, so in that case, how do they go about it?
Any idea?
can't really answer. but i guess u should be okay even if you go back after 3 months
Does the medical facility start after 3 months, taking into account the landing record (date) of a person, or is it activated only when the landed immigrant physically completes 3 months stay in Can.
Say, for e.g. after landing and staying for 1 month, I come back to India for 3-4 months, in that case will i be eligible for the med. facilities after 3 months from the date of landing?
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