Landing in Oct 21, 2004... any tips?

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Member since: Jun 04
Posts: 177
Location: Mississauga

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 04-10-04 04:50:24

anandasang and oshoexports,

The Landing CHECKLIST.... for newcomers is a must. This was given by a member of CD, in his post, earlier. The same is given below. Please take a printout of this document and double check with all the items, once you land up in canada.

1) Passport with visa stamped. (One for each accompanying family member)

2) IMM travel document (one for each accompanying family member - do not sign it as this is done in the
Presence of a immigration officer on arrival).

3) Crucial documents like birth certificate, driving license. If you have a gulf license and have no accident-claim history then get a letter from the insurer stating the same. Chances are that you’ll getter a better motor-insurance deal in Canada. Get any other documents which you think are important e.g. medical history records, certifications, accolades etc. (make sure keep a spare copy at home).

4) Landing Money-check to find the exact figure (get at least 30-40 % cash or traveler checks rest in draft or bank statement).

5) Do not get any meat or dairy products (especially if you’re migrating from the Asian subcontinent). Senior CDs please verify this. I’ve heard they even remark it on your passport.

6) Written list of all the items in your accompanying luggage and cargo luggage (due to arrive later). Make sure all expensive items like jewelry are included.

7) If you are getting any electronics, see that they support dual voltage (110-240). All major brands of electronics are available in Canada. However if you already have some (e.g. electronic shaver etc) and would not like to buy new then you can get them but you’ll need a step-up adapter.

8) If you are arriving in winter make sure you have warm clothes (2 sets at least).

9) Crucial medications if any. If possible get a copy of the prescription as well (just to be on the safer side).

10) Health insurance coverage for initial 3 months. This is not mandatory however recommend. This coverage can be bought from international insurance companies like AIG, American Life Insurance Co. (ALICO) from the Gulf as well as India. You can also buy medical insurance upon arrival. I found this link helpful

11) Lastly and very important – POSITIVE ATTITUDE & WILLINGNESS TO ADAPT ;)



Orginally posted by ayaskant

anandasang and oshoexports,

All the best for your journey and settling process in canada.



Orginally posted by reachash

Hey anandasang & oshoexports

That was my pleasure, feel free to ask me any more Q. You can also send me a PM, if you wish.

All the best


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Member since: Nov 03
Posts: 6

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 04-10-04 14:16:32

Well I wud just want to say be prepared, Life is tough initally. But not impossible. If U have a will, there is a way in this country.

1. For now get along some warm clothes (sweaters,jackets...)

2. Take a house close to the subway (station), general store and school, till you get used to the place. Carry a map to know where you are.

3. Job search, go thru the web, newspaper, word of the mouth, agencies..

4. Apply for your sin card, driving licence(get old licence) bank accounts at the earliest.

Wish you the very best of luck

Member since: Jan 04
Posts: 418
Location: Brampton

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 05-10-04 14:35:14

Orginally posted by reachash

All the best buddy !!!!!! As suggested by respected Pramodji, check out all possible links on this website, you'll find good information. This site is like encyclopedia. You'll just have to run few searches.

If you still can't find answers to your specific Q, you can send me a PM. I'll make all the efforts to reply to you in time. In any case, I am suggesting you follow:

Welcome to Canada, and all the best. I am also in Toronto for little over 3 yrs. Very happy to have come here. Pl feel free to ask any Q. Some TIPS for you:

1: Make list of all your jewellery, other costly belongings etc. When you clear the immigration, present this list to CUSTOM officer (KEEP A copy for you as well). If you do so, you can bring it to CANADA anytime, when you go back. If you do not declare these items, and then try to bring them in Canada, you'll end up paying duty and taxes on that.

2: Apart from managing your luggage, you may have to get some change for the carts. You have to put in 1 loonie for one cart. A loonie is ONE CANADIAN DOLLAR COIN. Once you have loaded the luggage in your car, pl remeber to take the cart back to proper cart return area, so you can get your LOONIE back. You can ask THOMAS COOK to give you some loonies in exch of US $ that you may be carrying. This was 3 yrs back.

3: Be very positive, confident. Almost everybody who come here, get settled, sooner or later. You just need to give some time.

4: If you have your friends living here, and if they are coming to p/u from airport, that's great, or else, if you are landing on weekend, let me know thru a PM, if possible, I'll try to come.

5: Apply for SIN card the very next day. Don't wait or DELAY. To open a bank acct you should take your landing paper and passport to the bank. The immigration officer will ask you the add where you are gonna live, and he/she will write the same add on your landing paper, wch you can show as proof of add. When you do get a chance, apply for a SECURED credit card ASAP. Start using this credit card for as many things as possible. Even if your bill is like $5, and the merchant is willing to accept payt with a credit card, DO IT. Make sure to pay it off in full every month before due date. You will end up creating your crdit history very soon, And in 6 months time, you'll start receiving letters from various banks sending you PRE APPROVED applications. If you are coming with you wife, make sure to get one for her as well. Because you want to create credit history for both of you. If you need any help in opening a bank acct, you can contact me.

6: Try to minimise your expenses in the beginning. Here the sales persons are very aggresive and pushy. Even if you go to malls, they display the items on the shelves in such a nice manner that everybody is allured to buy the same. Have a habit of saying "NO" to a sales person.


There are so many things that I can write here. If you need any help, pl feel free to contact me.

Wish you all the best.


Very useful and practicle tips. Follow them. Need any help write in a PM or once land here at Toronto give me a call at 416-305-0080 without any hesitation. I would be available to help you guys out as much as I can.

Keep determination and moral high. Be positive in thinking. Do not hesitate to ask for help .

Happy journey.:)

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Desi # 1   
Member since: Dec 03
Posts: 1420
Location: Mississauga

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 05-10-04 16:22:26

Apart from managing your luggage, you may have to get some change for the carts. You have to put in 1 loonie for one cart. A loonie is ONE CANADIAN DOLLAR COIN. Once you have loaded the luggage in your car, pl remeber to take the cart back to proper cart return area, so you can get your LOONIE back. You can ask THOMAS COOK to give you some loonies in exch of US $ that you may be carrying. This was 3 yrs back.

IF YOU ARE LANDING AT NEW TERMINAL ONE - You will get 25 Cents back, don't get shocked, machine will keep 75C as service charges.

Member since: Dec 03
Posts: 397
Location: Mississauga

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 05-10-04 20:18:26

Orginally posted by Desi # 1

Apart from managing your luggage, you may have to get some change for the carts. You have to put in 1 loonie for one cart. A loonie is ONE CANADIAN DOLLAR COIN. Once you have loaded the luggage in your car, pl remeber to take the cart back to proper cart return area, so you can get your LOONIE back. You can ask THOMAS COOK to give you some loonies in exch of US $ that you may be carrying. This was 3 yrs back.

IF YOU ARE LANDING AT NEW TERMINAL ONE - You will get 25 Cents back, don't get shocked, machine will keep 75C as service charges.

Hi Desi # 1,

thanks for your clarification. I didn't know this and as such, I did put a note on my post that the facility was 3 years back. Thanks again

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Member since: Nov 03
Posts: 40
Location: Downtown, Toronto

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 06-10-04 07:58:07

Thanx Dear Ayaskant, Dagma, Dp_jain, Desi # 1 & Reachash

Wow! that's exhaustive info!!! ThanX a lot!!!! :cheers:

Now I feel more confident in landing...... there are so many great people to render a helping hand

:) Once again thanQ all


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