software pro moving to canda from USA

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Member since: Feb 04
Posts: 2831
Location: Toronto

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 26-02-05 18:40:27

Orginally posted by DiogenestheCynic
I am confused! I thought healthcare was less of an issue if one is employed in a reasonably respectable organization. As an example, my company has a health plan that covers me and dependents for all prescription drugs, dental procedures(covers about everything except cosmetic processes) and prescription glasses once in two years. I don't think I would ask for more. How come it is better if you are unemployed or self employed? Or am I missing something here?:confused:

I think what BL is saying that in Canada, if you are not in a permanent job position, that's when you appreciate the value of Canadian social health care.

Whereas in the US, a person not in a permanent position will be SOL regarding the health care - the only health care such people in the US have is called "prayer" :)

I could have misunderstood BL, so please correct me if this is not what you meant !

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Member since: May 04
Posts: 661
Location: in the heart of Mrs Saga

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 27-02-05 03:04:45

Orginally posted by BlueLobster

The healthcare can be frustrating if you're employed in a perm. position however its a boon if you're unemployed or a consultant like I am.

Neither can I understand what you mean here. I thought it was the other way round. Could you please explain.

Deal With Reality or Reality Will Deal With You

Member since: Oct 02
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Location: Mississauga

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 27-02-05 07:17:20

Just the way Pratick explained it, I think the folks in the states will understand what I mean.

In the states, chances are you only have health coverage if you're employed. You're screwed if, God forbid, something happens to you while you're in between jobs. Or if you're an independent consultant, you have to buy it and it can get pretty expensive especially if you're married with kids. In that sense, the govt. healthcare in Canada is a boon because you're not under the gun for major expenses if you get laid off.

Also in the states, if you ARE employed and your employer provides you a good plan, you have access to a better health care system. Definately shorter wait times and no doctor shortages that I've heard of. At least in my experience, I've never had problems picking a doctor because they were fully booked. In that sense, when you compare stuff to the U.S. (which was my whole drift), you find the situation frustrating.

Are you there?

Member since: Feb 04
Posts: 2831
Location: Toronto

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 27-02-05 09:37:12

Just to give a numerical comparison -

When I first arrived in the US, the company applied for health insurance coverage.
But within the first few weeks, I got under the weather and had the usual symptoms - cough, cold, blocked nose, etc.
I went to a doctor.

Here's what I paid (all figures in USD) -

Doctor's fees for 10 minutes of examination - $190
Prescription drugs for 1 weeks supply - $220
Re-fill prescription once more - $220

Total expense for curing a routine condition - $630 !

Later, I received my insurance coverage and had to go to the same doctor for the same kind of situation and he prescribed similar medicines.
The cost this time with insurance coverage -
Co-pay at the Doctor's - $10
Co-pay at the pharmacy - $10
Total cost - $20

In the US, it is quite common for people who don't have insurance coverage to go bankrupt because of medical/hospital bills.

"Mah deah, there is much more money to be made in the destruction of civilization than in building it up."

-- Rhett Butler in "Gone with the Wind"

Member since: Feb 05
Posts: 8
Location: Indianapolis, Indiana

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 27-02-05 09:53:43

"In the US, it is quite common for people who don't have insurance coverage to go bankrupt because of medical/hospital bills."

Correct. And it also depends on the plan that your company provides. I pay 240 USD per month for my coverage AND my copay is 20 for doctor visit and 25 for prescription drugs. For hospital inpatient, they only pay 80% of remaining expenses after i have paid off the first 1000 as deductible.

This is when you are employed and the healthcare provider has to stick to insiurance determined rates. If you are on your own, those discounts dont apply and the provider can charge you whatever they want.

Private health insurance plans are at least 600 per person, maybe 800 for a family per month.

If your bring your parents here, either they have to work to get insurance or you have to buy private insurance for them. You cannot include them as dependents in your plan. They dont have any Social Security checks or medicaid coming in...

People in canada simply dont appreciate what they have. I am sure there is no wait time in the ER. Is there?

Member since: May 04
Posts: 661
Location: in the heart of Mrs Saga

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 27-02-05 10:47:24

Orginally posted by pratickm

Total expense for curing a routine condition - $630 !

phew! what a rip off!

Deal With Reality or Reality Will Deal With You

Member since: Feb 04
Posts: 2831
Location: Toronto

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 27-02-05 23:37:28

And it is also a common misconception that in the US there are no waiting times for medical care.
There are waiting times everywhere - whether you want to consult specialists, and even in the ER.
Once we had to go to the ER and were made to wait almost 4 hrs. before even a doctor's assisstant called us in.
Had to wait another hr. before a "real" doctor came to see us.

And this was with full insurance coverage, in an in-network hospital !

Same deal with specialists - you take the list of in-network specialists from the insurance directory and start calling each one by one.
If you are lucky, you will get an appointment in about 4 months time !
Of course, depends on the type of specialist - for in-demand specialists, there are huge queues.

"Mah deah, there is much more money to be made in the destruction of civilization than in building it up."

-- Rhett Butler in "Gone with the Wind"

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