software pro moving to canda from USA

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desi in ottawa   
Member since: May 04
Posts: 1627

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 28-02-05 09:41:14

Part of what suttu is saying is right. And it all depends on the plan you got. I had a plan where the copay was $10 and rest covered. That was 6 yrs back before I came to Canada (BTW, studeid and worked in US; spent 8 yrs there).

Waiting time in US is much less as compared to Canada when u want to see a specialist. Again it depends on the plan. In US, I could see a specialist within a week and I could call and make the appt. Here it's a different story. Now a days in US, lot of small to medium sized firms are slashing benefits and the employees are paying from their pocket.

My suggestion to suttu is to keep options open. Even if u want to move to Canada, look at other cities / provinces. Dont just tag on to Toronto. Look at Calgary, edmonton, Vancouver, etc. Again Canadian economy is much smaller as compared to US. That means no of jobs created / opening are much smaller in Canada. I guess u r getting my


Member since: Feb 05
Posts: 8
Location: Indianapolis, Indiana

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 28-02-05 10:50:41

Yes, i get the drift. Thanks

Looking at it from my perspective:
Canada is good if you plan to bring family, esp parents.
With my experience, i should be able to get a job. Wont make that much money but then thats my choice. Will not go to canda without a job in hand.
Healthcare is i big unknown but due to the risks involved with insurance etc in US, it is safer in Canada, if not better in terns of quality.

Member since: Oct 02
Posts: 3409
Location: Mississauga

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 28-02-05 11:31:30

Orginally posted by suttu

Yes, i get the drift. Thanks

Looking at it from my perspective:
Canada is good if you plan to bring family, esp parents.
With my experience, i should be able to get a job. Wont make that much money but then thats my choice. Will not go to canda without a job in hand.
Healthcare is i big unknown but due to the risks involved with insurance etc in US, it is safer in Canada, if not better in terns of quality.

Good extract. I think this is true for the most part. Not sure about "Don't go to Canada without a job in hand" though. If you can manage this, nothing else like it. But its pretty difficult and according to me, not a must.

Are you there?

Member since: Feb 05
Posts: 1920
Location: British Columbia

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 28-02-05 19:49:58

Hi Suttu,

I have been reading all your posts and the replies and thought finally I'd put my two cents worth in. I am a Career Counsellor working in Vancouver BC and I work with many professional Immigrants that move to BC. I want to share with you some of my experience with clients as well as personal.

Personal: My husband was a Software Developer who moved from India to the USA then to Canada. When he moved here, he was very surprised to be told that his american experience doesnt count as 'canadian experience'. He has worked sales positions and has now (after 3 years) changed professions to become an Management Accountant. He has a BComm degree from India (He's 30).

Professional: I have to agree with those posters that have told you that Attitude is a major factor in finding a position related to your profession. The nature of an occupation will change and the demand for IT professionals in the late 1990's is very different from the labour market today. Softskills are what is key. Employers are looking for professionals that not only know their technical skills but also have the ability to communicate with a variety of levels. Economically it may make more sense to hire a professional who can manage two roles. If you choose not to take a job which requires you to use soft skills thats fine, but you are then cutting yourself off from a large portion of the jobs that are available. Most employers look more strongly at how you present yourself because technical skills can be learnt, however an attitude takes longer to get over (IMO):)

Secondly, if in an interview an employer tells you 'thanks but you lack canadian experience' what they may often be telling you in reality is that you either lack: soft skills, attitude, professional appearence, or the ability to communicate effectively. Saying \"canadian experience\" is a easy out for employers that dont want to be harsh. If you find yourself hearing this in numerous interviews, I would recommend talking to an objective friend or your spouse and getting their opinion on how you come across. Even if your knowledge and training is the equivelent, you may find that how you fit into an organization will determine your future there.

Third, please dont make assumptions about Canada as if its the size of NYC :) Every province is different and your best bet is to get online and read about the different provinces as well as (and I really emphasize this here) go to some employment job sites such as and to find out where the jobs are. You can also find online info about health care, crime rates, education standards, cost of living etc. Talking to others is great, however make sure you get all the sides of the coin. There are no extremes in any one institution; there will always be negatives and positives. Yes it can be very cold in the prairies however smaller cities often have better job prospects for some occupations because most ppl want to move out of them. I have lived in the prairies and there is some job stability (again depending on your occupation). Cost of living and especially houses are very different. Vancouver is the MOST expensive place to live in Canada. You will need on average over $300,000 if you want a single family house in a good area. Also, family life including education standards for children are better in places like calgary, edmonton, Regina, winnipeg etc or smaller cities in Ontario. You have to do research however. Vancouver is great weather wise but as a Counsellor here I feel there are not as many IT positions out here as there would be likely out east.

Lastly, I would encourage you to learn about the 'hidden job market'. Over 80% of jobs are not advertised ANYWHERE and are found through networks and contacts. In other words, its who you know and being in the right place at the right time. 20% of all jobs are advertised and since most ppl only apply for advertised jobs you are competing with even MORE ppl for those limited opportunities. Depending on the city you want to go to, find out about the professional associations out there, and talk to professionals in your field. Find out if the provincial govt has set up a mentoring or similar program to assist you transition. You may find it easier to come here with a job in hand, or as some ppl find , its easier to get a job once you are here. I suspect the latter.

Job searching is an involved process. If you put the effort and learn the best techniques for the place you live in, you have the best chances to succeed. It wont be easy - I tell my clients looking for work is a full time job in itself and it requires perseverence. Dont give up but be realistic. Be professional in appearance and attitude, be friendly and make contacts, and be open to the climate you move to. Weather wise and economics wise. Also, take volunteer projects to add to your resume. Show employers you are willing to learn and grow with a company.

Every province/region of Canada has different economic outlooks and there are publications you can get once u arrive that give you an overview of what are the strengths (occupation wise) of each area.

~ Morning rain

Member since: Sep 03
Posts: 281

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 01-03-05 00:17:01

Hi Suttu,
Just my few cents buddy. As I understand you have few personal issues that make you switch from US to Canada ( Even I will say these personal issue are relevant to many people) .

Issue 1> Get JOB in IT field

US: Best market in world to find high pay job .

Canada: Ten times smaller country in ecnomy , bit difficult to find job even after expirince.

HSMP-UK: Market in Britain is vibrant for IT jobs. Size of UK ecnomy is bigger than Canada . Also Excess to EU market after 4 year stay.

Issue 2> Kids grown up environment

Should be okay in all three places. Through it is perceived that Canada is best due to less racial discrimination. As it is called land of immigrants

Issue 3> Parents

US : I gues stakes lot many years. As you mention 10 years
Canada : 5 years
UK : In case any one of them is more than 65 years of age. You can call within few months. People on work permit have even called their parents.

Issue 4: Medical facility:

UK have medical facility free even for tourist person. Compare to North America. I guess Europe have better medical policy. Still I guess Canada too follow European model to give free medical facility.

Issue 5: Indian community residing nearby
I guess UK, Canada & US all have fare large number of desi. So should not be issue. One more think. In UK , it is generally a educated Indians who are moving these days. While in Canada , petty normal people , with semi-skill are moving in.

So have look at HSMP option too. But take decision soon. As life is all about living in the environment as happy as possible as we are not getting younger day by day….
By the way, I have never visited Canada. But make couple of trips to US & Europe due to my professional work. I am in IT too..


desi in ottawa   
Member since: May 04
Posts: 1627

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 01-03-05 12:04:45

Orginally posted by morning_rain

Professional: I have to agree with those posters that have told you that Attitude is a major factor in finding a position related to your profession. The nature of an occupation will change and the demand for IT professionals in the late 1990's is very different from the labour market today. Softskills are what is key. Employers are looking for professionals that not only know their technical skills but also have the ability to communicate with a variety of levels. Economically it may make more sense to hire a professional who can manage two roles. If you choose not to take a job which requires you to use soft skills thats fine, but you are then cutting yourself off from a large portion of the jobs that are available. Most employers look more strongly at how you present yourself because technical skills can be learnt, however an attitude takes longer to get over (IMO):)

Secondly, if in an interview an employer tells you 'thanks but you lack canadian experience' what they may often be telling you in reality is that you either lack: soft skills, attitude, professional appearence, or the ability to communicate effectively. Saying \"canadian experience\" is a easy out for employers that dont want to be harsh. If you find yourself hearing this in numerous interviews, I would recommend talking to an objective friend or your spouse and getting their opinion on how you come across. Even if your knowledge and training is the equivelent, you may find that how you fit into an organization will determine your future there.

Dear morning_rain,

Great analysis. Thanks. I am glad that at least there is someone on CD who has the same opinion as mine regarding soft skills. I have told this many times and trying hammer my point, but our desis refuse to understand. Again that's the attitude issue.

I have observed that too many desis argue a lot, for no apparent reason. They can't let it go.

Again soft skills are very important.


Member since: Oct 02
Posts: 3409
Location: Mississauga

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 01-03-05 12:09:16

Very thoughtful and detailed post by Morning rain. And makes a lot of sense.

Your emphasis on soft-skills seems very well placed.

Are you there?

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