french knowledge

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Member since: Oct 03
Posts: 765
Location: Canada

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 07-05-05 09:59:24

Hi Bison,
I totally agree to your point Bison.
If you plan to settle in Quebec and want to be in Top management level in your office you have no other chioce other than be Bilingual least this applies to non gora guys like us.
I also met desi guys (Partcularly Tamil/Srilankan guys in Auto Repai shops) who speak fluent French which even surprise Frnch Canadians.

At the same time I met with desi guys(including Professors in my wife's University) who are in Montreal for more than 10-15 years but never tried to learn French.

One thing so far I observed is in Montreal atleast there is a clear conflict between Fancophone and Anglophone culture.
In my office All anglophone guys though they are perfect bilingual they always speak in English even when he/she is speaking with a Francophone guy.Very rare I saw the otherway round:p

Also all Irish guys in my office they never tried to learn franch and still they are just doing fine and grabbing top management level positions.:D


btw Because I am too lazy to start learning a new language like French I am not planning to settle down in Montreal ..though my performance in office been highly appreciated so far:)


Member since: Apr 05
Posts: 31

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 19-05-05 07:21:41

to settle in Manitoba province, whether french knowledge is really essential? can't we manage in English for getting jobs etc.?

desi in ottawa   
Member since: May 04
Posts: 1627

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 19-05-05 08:27:39

Injamam Ul Haque?
LOL, good one.

To settle in Manitoba, English is enough. But be prepared for the harsh weather in that province.

Learning French is not like learning a programming language through a crash course. Needs lot of time, more than a year, full time. It helps a lot if u know French, when u want to get into Federal Govt.


Canadian Dream   
Member since: Jul 04
Posts: 177
Location: Calgary, AB

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 20-05-05 16:18:41

Orginally posted by tinku

to settle in Manitoba province, whether french knowledge is really essential? can't we manage in English for getting jobs etc.?

It can definitely help. Winnipeg has a sizable French community and the localities of St. Vital, St. Boniface etc are predominantly French. It will be an added qualification for Government, Police, and other public sector jobs and also in customer-facing private sector jobs.

However for the qualification to be considered, you will need to acquire a degree of fluency in the language - a typical crash course will not help. I have been learning French at Alliance Francaise here and after 6 months of (part time) classes I am still far from being able to have a discussion in French.

You havent specified what kind of jobs you are looking for.

Member since: May 05
Posts: 102

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 20-05-05 21:55:58


Member since: Apr 05
Posts: 31

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 22-05-05 00:40:12

Regarding jobs i am looking after : I am post graduate in Agril. science and having experience in banking for 20 years. I am unable to come to a conclusion, which field , I have to opt for? Particularly what are job prospects of my field in Winnipeg?

Member since: May 05
Posts: 102

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 22-05-05 09:54:06


Contributors: tinku(3) Das-FX(2) ezrider(2) ani70(2) Canadian Dream(1) sudesingh(1) me2canada(1) bison(1) desi in ottawa(1)

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