Hi All,
This discussion is mainly addressed to the WEB Administrator and Website developer of this site, but the other users are also encouraged to give their views and discuss the matter.
During my long assocition with this web site, I was using it off and on. and suggetd it to many other friends. Everyone likes our effort to post our views in charcha. But Now I am planning to return back in this promising land. So, I staring to explore my favourite source of information.
During my own use I found that some topics and list of employment agencies is very much useful to the new immigrants. But it is available in a form which is perfect to view it on screen while surfing. As the agencies list shos 10 agencies per page then one has to click next to see the next 10 agencies.
For many poupular topics many people reply and it become more and more useful source of information, but it has to be surfed by clicking the next button now vaibale at the top of the page and at the bottom of the page ((initially this next and previous buttons were only at the bottom of the page)).
Now, what as a next step we should have is this important information in downloadable form. There are many reasons for that::
1. The first and foremost reason is INDIA. This information is much useful for the native indians prospective immigrants, and they have very slow dialup internet connections. so, for viewing these popular topics discussions and agecies list they have to click <next> button again and again. it waste lots of their time and money.
2. If these two informations are availble in downloadable form they will be easy to print and save as a file also the indian landing in the land of prospects will be loaded with the necessary information to tackle the initial phase of fews weeks. They will save lots of their time and money of visting help centers and relatives etc.. (some times the help centres and relative also donot provie the uptodate information).
If we have sucess download manager for these informations which can combie the database enteries into atect file or word file for download. Then at the later stage we can have some of the popular topics articles also in download form. and many of these article may be combined together in a download file so that user can have a booklet form of feel. If the GOD wants and WE Do, we can probalble give compition to CIC, Settlemet.org and to the Information KIT give to new immigrants at airport consisting of (Look at Canada) and (Welcome Booklet) etc etc..
I hope that I have made my point clear, the Other users are requested to add their own views.
And to our Dear GURVO I will request to take this on priority, Actully first I thought of communication it to you through telephone, Then I thought that If I write it the other user will also come out more better suggestion than mine..
Enjoy Happiness...
Enjoy Happiness -- Happy from India
Hi All,
Internet (at homes) in Inida is still very slow and erratic. I am able to put this only after typing it in notepad and then doing copy paste..
There are many spelling and grammer errors in my first mail. i request that someone should correct them to make it more readable and understandable.
Now my question to the web administrators. when will we be able to download the agecy lists to avoid these internet bottlenecks.
Enjoy Happiness -- Happy from India
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