Canada from Dream to Nightmare as published in Indian Express

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Member since: Oct 04
Posts: 859
Location: At my desk

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 13-06-05 11:23:07

Orginally posted by jughead
I'm wary of such articles in Indian tabloids like TOI, Indian Express, HT etc..

TOI, Indian Express, HT etc are not tabloids!! They are newspapers and respected ones at that.

Please do not be dismsisive of anything and everything that is not aligned with your view.
Orginally posted by jughead
I don't deny that - after all it's a matter of personal preference,

What exactly do you mean by that? What is a matter of "personal preference".

It is a FACT that a very large number of immigrants find conditions that are unexpectedly adverse! Where is the matter of "personal preference" in that?

Orginally posted by jughead
but as many successful Canadian immigrants would attest, it is not as bad as they portray in such tabloids.

Again they are not tabloids.

The article does not say that conditions are bad for each and every single immigrant. It only highlights the issues faced by a growing number of immigrants.

Successful immigrants attesting to anything does not change the picture. It is true that PhDs are working at jobs way below their qualifications.
Orginally posted by jughead
Make sure your skills are in demand,

No skills are in "demand"! IT has an edge over others and but that too is changing soon as the market gets saturated.
Orginally posted by jughead
and do the homework on what you need to do to get a job in your field and where your chances are best before landing in Canada.

What homework do you suggest for an engineer?

Ok yeah I can see the "communication skills" and "soft skills" brigade getting ready!:D
Orginally posted by jughead
For every unsuccessful immigrant, I would say there are atleast as many or many more successful ones - many who don't even bother posting in Canadian Desi.

It is the opposite that is actually true and mercury has already corrected that. :D

The Cynic

Member since: Mar 05
Posts: 496

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 13-06-05 12:07:57

Orginally posted by jughead
I'm wary of such articles in Indian tabloids like TOI, Indian Express, HT etc.. Have seen enough such articles saying how bad it is abroad, or how many people have chosen to stay back in, or return to India. I don't deny that - after all it's a matter of personal preference, but as many successful Canadian immigrants would attest, it is not as bad as they portray in such tabloids.

I dont agree with most parts of this post, but anyway those issues are already addressed by other CDs. Own homework is important with open mind.

Member since: Jun 04
Posts: 186
Location: Burnaby, BC

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 14-06-05 01:07:29

Why am I not surprised to see your response? :)

OK, I agree that HT, TOI and IE are respected newspapers, but I don't agree with many of their articles and editorials. You're entitled to your opinion as I'm to mine.


No skills are in "demand"! IT has an edge over others and but that too is changing soon as the market gets saturated.

Really? What are you and I doing here then?


What homework do you suggest for an engineer?

Ok yeah I can see the "communication skills" and "soft skills" brigade getting ready!:D

Are you sure you didn't do any homework before migrating to Canada? Well, I did mine.

So what would be your advice to the aspiring immigrants who are planning to migrate to Canada? Not to do any homework because it doesn't help anyway? Or everyone just stay put because Canada is no good at all?

Orginally posted by jughead
For every unsuccessful immigrant, I would say there are atleast as many or many more successful ones - many who don't even bother posting in Canadian Desi.

It is the opposite that is actually true and mercury has already corrected that. :D

Is the glass half-empty or half-full? Depends on how you look at it. And BTW, mercury didn't correct that. He has mentioned that there is more than one version which could also be true.

Member since: Jan 04
Posts: 1754
Location: Ottawa (Now in Bangalore)

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 14-06-05 01:31:17

NOw lets see how many folks rush to cut n paste this :D

New Delhi, June 14: Darius Zeller and Ghulam Rasool are two Indians who bought the hype of Canada, sold everything they owned there and jetted to the cold country to get away from the heat and poverty of India. But they regretted it forever.

After years of trying hard to cruise on the highway to riches, their Canadian experience left them virtual beggars, desperately seeking to escape to their mother country with nothing in their pockets, not even the money they brought with them.

Coming from a middle class background in India, they were doing all right back home, they had security, they had an extended family, they had friends and relatives as back up in case of emergencies, in short, the 5000 year old history of India by the late 20th century had put at their service a system of help they could always rely on. India may never have made them crorepatis, but they would never be left to fend for themselves, alone.

Falling prey to dreams of becoming millionaires created by these countries in their media, generation after generation of Indians packed their bags and made their way across continents and oceans to plug themselves into the Western economic experience and who knows, get affluent.

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But, in a short span of time, Canada wore them down dollar by dollar, till at last, the despairing Indian cried 'Enough!' and took flight to India.

Bonanza dreams turns from Boom to bust

Zeller says that he had come to Canada with a Textile Engineering degree from National Institute of Design, Delhi with a working experience in the best companies in India.

However, while dealing with foreign clients he was told this experience would be a very big asset and help him in "getting good jobs".

He says, "But the fact of the matter is firstly, there are not many jobs here and secondly whatever top level jobs are on offer are "discreetly" reserved for the Canadians. The immigrants come last in the list of probables.

Things turned from bad to worse as years rolled and the Canadian experience turned to dust, forcing him into jobs that he detested - on the factory shopfloor in all the grease and dirt. He describes the feeling: "In a factory you are treated like a machine and if you are late by even a minute your services can be terminated."

His advice: "DO NOT MAKE THE MISTAKE I DID. Your children's lives may or may not be made here but your life will certainly be ruined".

Anwar, living in Canada, tells of the humiliating life that another Indian lived through (also covered by The Weekly Voice).

Ghulam Rasool, a Mechanical Engineer (1976) with M. E. in Production (1979) and Industrial Engineering (1980) came to Canada with years of experience in machine building industry.

His e-mail to Voice read: "I may not be able to access my mail anymore now. There is no time left for me. My phone is gone and I am in a basement living on bread and water, waiting for the next three days to go by so that 14th dawns (the day he left for India).

Talking about the daily harassment and discrimination he faced in Canada from day one of his life there, he said, "The only advantage of Canada (for an immigrant) is its scanty population. But the narrow mind does more harm!"

After five long years of chasing the elusive Indian dream in an alien environment Ghulam says, "Enough is enough! It's never too late to call it quits. I am going back to my country, for good. The ruling equation here is that while immigrants build Canada, Canada batters and shatters them! The very people who come here drawn by attractively designed websites or on the 'invitations' of immigration consultants', eager to build a new life while contributing to this country are destroyed and consumed by it!"

Looking back on half-a-decade's worth of knowledge garnered there he says, "Barring a very miniscule few, other immigrants have had to resort to unethical means to get rich quick. Skill, talent, knowledge, wisdom, hard work, honesty, discipline, loyalty etc. have no place here!"

Rasool came to Canada with $60,000, by disposing off of everything that he owned in India. When he left, he had earned $122,000 in five years. What did he have on his departure date? Just about $3,000 and a $750 car.

He wailed, "Now, I go back to where I came from to start all over again, with no money at all, a beggar in my own country."

His time in Canada mirrors those of tens of thousands of other Indians, who try to stick a hand into the riches there. Sending resumes, making phone calls, cold calls and much else in a futile fishing exercise to land a decent job. Yet all he managed to net were odd jobs that paid a pittance and enabled just basic survival.

He cries, "There is really no place and no way for immigrants to settle here. All this country desires is to squeeze out the last cent an immigrant brings with him and then dumps him! And Canada wants more skilled immigrants to come here!"

His grouse is that Canada, rated as the number one country to live in has shocking cases of racism, brutality, and corruption. He says, "They may have hi-tech systems to detect and track down a car parked at a mall for 10 minutes over the scheduled time, but a child fast asleep at home, gets kidnapped and murdered yet the case completely baffles the police."

The cost of living is so high that it is impossible to make ends meet without a steady job that pays well. Because there are high costs involved in everything. With no family and friends in a new land, a man has to get insurance - life, medical and everything else in between to cover against calamity. But, insurance is so costly that it will drive you to penury too. Ghulam says, "Canada is supposed offer free medical care. However, a slight toothache resulted in an expense of $1,880 as the dentist did everything that can be done to a tooth and relieved me of all this money. And, finally my tooth itself! One visit means the patient is roped in for life! And if he has insurance, then the dentist becomes a millionaire in no time! But, if health care is free, how come eyes, teeth, and bones are not always covered?"

The most highly qualified professionals, with degrees worth dying for, can be found in Canada picking up garbage, driving taxicabs and delivering pizza!

And, yet, Canada shouts its need for medics, engineers, and teachers to the world.

He ends by saying, "All in all, this immigration business (racket) to Canada is only a very clever method to get skilled servants to work for free and pay for the people here who want to only enjoy life without doing anything! The system here ensures that talent, hard work and skill, do not get rewarded."

In the end, the immigration bubble bursts for many abroad, but there are thousands who defy logic and still seek to find their fortunes in lands that are not Indian. They know the dangers, they know the plight of their many brothers and sisters in countries like Canada and other countries, nevertheless it never acts as a deterrent. Till they believe that their lives are bad in India and that they can improve it in the West, no matter how much proof to the contrary, it will ensure that the planes keep jetting abroad overflowing with Indian migrants. And, the tales of misery will keep increasing.

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Member since: Apr 04
Posts: 245
Location: London, UK

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 14-06-05 07:01:05

Well, its hard to comment on these failures without knowing them personally.

As we all know how ppl get PhD etc in india (Its not a big deal). The fact is some ppl still get good job in Canada, some get even before landing, of course the count is very less. But question is:

1) Who are they?
2) Why they get jobs?

We also know that this has been happening since long time, ppl has been getting jobs...very few but yes...

Reg. TOI, yes they are respected but that doesn't confirm that they would be always good. After all they are also human.
I can give you one example of TOI, Bangalore. Especially in the property section they publish a large very good article in favour of builders just before the launch of project and how they misguide ppls.

Nothing is fixed in this world, Its all upto you that how you see them.


A person is never more on trial than in a moment of excessive good fortune.

Member since: Sep 04
Posts: 914
Location: Toronto

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 14-06-05 08:36:13

Orginally posted by jughead
OK, I agree that HT, TOI and IE are respected newspapers, but I don't agree with many of their articles and editorials. You're entitled to your opinion as I'm to mine.

Weren't these the guys that posted the story of the 'NASA kid' not too long ago?

Member since: Oct 04
Posts: 859
Location: At my desk

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 14-06-05 09:45:10

Orginally posted by jughead

Why am I not surprised to see your response? :)

You tell me. :)

Orginally posted by jughead
OK, I agree that HT, TOI and IE are respected newspapers, but I don't agree with many of their articles and editorials. You're entitled to your opinion as I'm to mine.

The point was only to correct you in your understanding of the difference between a tabloid and a newspaper.

Oh, thanks for telling me that I am entitled to my opinions and you to yours. Honest, I didn't know that!:rolleyes:
Orginally posted by jughead
Really? What are you and I doing here then?

Can you read? Did you see the quotes around the word "demand"? What that means is that when a skill is in "demand", people with that skill do not normally find themselves unemployed or doing jobs in other areas.

Only because you, I or anyone else for that matter, is employed, does not necessarily imply that the skill is in "demand".

And did you also miss to read "IT has an edge..."? I am in IT and so are you I guess.
Orginally posted by jughead
Are you sure you didn't do any homework before migrating to Canada? Well, I did mine.

If polishing your resume is what you call homework, well yes maybe I did, but other than that, I confess, I did not do any homework. Heck, I don't even know what is the homework you are talking about! That's what I asked you.
Orginally posted by jughead
So what would be your advice to the aspiring immigrants who are planning to migrate to Canada? Not to do any homework because it doesn't help anyway? Or everyone just stay put because Canada is no good at all?

Please look around for earlier posts from me, some of them posted long before you came in, and you will find my suggestions.
Orginally posted by jughead
Is the glass half-empty or half-full? Depends on how you look at it. And BTW, mercury didn't correct that. He has mentioned that there is more than one version which could also be true.

What mercury6 said was that for every successful immigrant there are more than one unsuccessful ones and this is what is correct. It is a fact that the ratio of unsuccessful to successful immigrants is very high It is the exact opposite of what you said.

The question of looking at a glass as half-empty or half-full comes when water is half the volume of the glass it is in. In the case under discussion, look at it anyway you want, the glass has a lot more first gen unsuccessful immigrants than successful ones. :D That is fact.

And in any case, on issues like employment and immigration, one would be better off looking at a glass as half empty rather than half full, because in such cases, it is better to be safe than sorry.

The Cynic

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