For Blue lobster : Admin Moderator

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Member since: Feb 06
Posts: 103

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 10-03-06 12:42:39

You nailed it!

I think a bunch of you should get together and discuss this. Please don't use Canadiandesi as a medium for criticising other religions. Like explained in the other thread, this is not the purpose of the forum.

And btw, Hinduism isn't exactly flawless like you're trying to portray it (and that's coming from a Hindu).

Let's just get on with helping people trying to immigrate to Canada. And NOT start a whole bunch of threads wondering about the Aryan invasion.

This topic is locked!


sorry that I put this here. But as a moderator, pls. lock, delete posts. But if you want to give ur 2 cents then pls. leave it open for ppl to reply to ur post and not that u say what you want to and then just lock it. I know you can tick me off from Canadian Desi, but there are certain things I would like to point out.

Agreed nothing is flawless. As I haven't read all Vedas etc I cannot say Hinduism is flawless. But from most posts, articles I see on the internet, ppl. confuse things like Code of Manu etc to be part of Hinduism. Hinduism is strictly Vedas and Upnishad and some cases the Puranas too.

If some idiot wants to put in things, we can't say it's a part of Hinduism. Also if you read the code of Manu it's the most controversial script. One part he puts women down and another he upholds them to the highest levels. Also the original code of Manu which is lost in time was much bigger and elaborate than the existing one.

About Caste system, it was never for discriminating. It was just to understand society. And anyone could become anyone. Krishna says that in Geeta and Mahabharata when Arjun puts down Karna, Krishna retorts to him that do not put down someone. Nobody is a brahmin, kshatriya, shudra by birth. It's what a person does makes him one. For e.g what's the sense of calling the son of a king a Kshatriya if he cannot protect someone and the same way if a Brahmin cannot read or make someone understand he is not a brahmin.Also when we go to temples we touch the feet of the idol, which are supposed to represent the Shudras. So why would the Brahmins do that. Parshuram another avtar born of brahmin family went the other way and picked up weapons.

When we are talking about 7000 - 8000 yrs old things and most probably older, humans themselves put in things and link it to the religion or culture and say it's a part of it because some proclaimed ppl like Manu or someone wrote it.

Sorry if I offended someone.

Member since: Oct 02
Posts: 3409
Location: Mississauga

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 10-03-06 12:46:55

Point noted. Send me a PM next time if you want to send me a follow-up reply.

I've edited my post by the way.

Are you there?

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