Do you deal with a "stinky" employee or colleague ?

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Member since: May 04
Posts: 376
Location: VA, USA

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 20-03-06 09:55:48

How to deal with a stinky employee

Do you have a "Stinking" employee /colleague with you.. ?
learn how to deal with them.

I hate to say but;
This is a common problem found in many offices / work places.
And it some times is very disturbing and disgusting,

I think it is a metter of self discipline, attitude and responsibility of an individual to maintain a healthy hygiene standards.

Pink Panther   
Member since: Feb 06
Posts: 533
Location: Private location

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 27-03-06 11:48:37

What about a fellow employee who just about annoys the hell out of you?

This individual will -

Swear and curse at ANYTHING and EVERYTHING.
Says out loud everything they may be thinking in their heads, even if they happen to get an email from someone at head office, they will announce they they just got an email from this person, and this is how they will announce it "OH JULIE!!! What do you want NOW????!!!!"
Laughs out loud (and I don't mean a good chuckle, I mean eardrum-bashing guffaws) at any jokes someone may have sent them on emails.
Constantly bitches about colleagues and customers.

I used to humour this person, then about 3 months ago they became mildly irritating to me. Now I am beginning to hate the environment in which I work and am contemplating about finding another job. This person's actions make for a very unprofessional working environment.

This person does not report to the same boss as I do, but I am soon to have my review - do you think I should bring it up with my boss?

This person is shouting about something as usual as I write this...

Bijou Bazaar

Member since: May 04
Posts: 376
Location: VA, USA

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 27-03-06 11:58:47

Originally posted by Pink Panther

What about a fellow employee who just about annoys the hell out of you?

This individual will -

Swear and curse at ANYTHING and EVERYTHING.
Says out loud everything they may be thinking in their heads, even if they happen to get an email from someone at head office, they will announce they they just got an email from this person, and this is how they will announce it "OH JULIE!!! What do you want NOW????!!!!"
Laughs out loud (and I don't mean a good chuckle, I mean eardrum-bashing guffaws) at any jokes someone may have sent them on emails.
Constantly bitches about colleagues and customers.

I used to humour this person, then about 3 months ago they became mildly irritating to me. Now I am beginning to hate the environment in which I work and am contemplating about finding another job. This person's actions make for a very unprofessional working environment.

This person does not report to the same boss as I do, but I am soon to have my review - do you think I should bring it up with my boss?

This person is shouting about something as usual as I write this...

Is it just one person or everyone around you. If everyone then we can do nothing except try to live with it. ..
but if it is only one (like this saying " One fish can spoil the whole pond)
then, yes talk to your boss and/or move your desk /seat away from him.
But I know it is still disgusting ..... DO NOT QUIT though. unless you find a suitable job.

Pink Panther   
Member since: Feb 06
Posts: 533
Location: Private location

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 27-03-06 12:28:31

It is just the one really is mentally draining, I find myself saying "oh shut UP!" under my breath. I don't like feeling this way about the place in which I work.

I guess I will talk to my boss and see what happens. Thanks.


Bijou Bazaar

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