New law would help skilled immigrants

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Member since: Jul 05
Posts: 526

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 09-06-06 16:33:52

Since the text books and curriculum is essentially same, and as Indian doctors have more experience, on a per day basis, due to very high population, they usually come out equal, if not better, than their colleagues from other countries.

The requirement for experience is, obstensibly, to give an edge to local practitioners, but is not all that unfair. Internship would enable doctors to absorb whatever differences there are in daily practices and the way system is run here in Canada.

Once there is movement towards recognition of credentials from other countries market will mature sooner or later.


Member since: Mar 05
Posts: 454
Location: London, ON

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 09-06-06 21:08:36

Originally posted by sudesingh

Jun. 2, 2006. 03:41 PM

Internationally trained doctors who are forced to drive taxi cabs instead of working in hospitals could become a thing of the past in Ontario if proposed legislation becomes law, Citizenship and Immigration Minister Mike Colle said Friday.

As a general FYI , these International doctors are not ' forced' to drive taxis,

they are not ' forced' to come to canada but have 'chosen' to come to canada.

If a country is facing a acute doctor shortage and still does not hire doctors , then there is something seriously wrong with the country or with the doctors who still want to stay in this country.

Non illigitamus carborundum

Member since: May 04
Posts: 272
Location: Toronto

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 10-06-06 07:08:04

There is doctor shortage in Canada. Several times I read articles on how the doctors are burning themselves out sometimes having had to work as much as 80 hours per week.

Now, whether indian doctor's experience is different than that of canadian doctors is debatable.

It may be true that the procedures and diseases in canada may be different. But it is no different from diseases from Jamaica but Jamaican medical degrees are recognized here.

Also, I would like to question how much is different? 20%? 10%? How much an Indian doctor has to learn to get that 'canadian experience'?

I am not a doctor but in my opinion the amount of experience that a doctor from India has to gain due to the difference of diseases prevalent in Canada and India itself shouldn't be a stumbling block for them to have a path to practise in Canada. They should be given an opportunity just like a local medical student is given an opportunity to gain the 'canadian experience'.

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