Hi CDs
I am a reader of CD sinc long time. I was landed in Toronto on July 06,2004 with my family, I spent 11 month over there and came back on June 03,2005 to my country. During my stata in canada I did only labor Job with Kelly Services at Boulton. I have more then 20 years experince to serve in Life Insurance Corp. Pakistan on the position of Agency Adminstrator and Internat Auditor, but I dont have any related degree with my occupation.
I am Law Graduate and have Master degree in Mass Communication (Journalism) but no experinces in both. Now I am plaing to come back to Canada and wanted to do some thing related with Law, so let me know what should I do to upgrade my Law or Mass Communication degrees which will be helpful to find the better job.
I shall be very tahnkfull
I will address you with your full name as written on your ID. You have been here and did some work as a mule. Did you explore the avenues while you were here? if you did you would have come across a few good ones. If you blink wink and nod, you get eaten up. Sorry to see you somewhere else. Your insurance experience will enable you to do your exam here in about six weeks + two for the results. Then you can have a smooth sailing. Work for couple of more years at the Law and you don't have to turn back any more pages. But do work HARD at it. There is a very good future for you here. Work at it. Now get back here and start your studies earnestly.
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