AMIE (India) Engineers' recognition in Canada

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Member since: Sep 10
Posts: 158

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 28-09-10 11:28:26

Originally posted by chcool

Originally posted by chcool

Originally posted by meghal

Originally posted by web2000

Bridge collapse in India does not show that Engineers in India has no knowledge of how to design and do calculations. The collapse was due to bad management but not due to lack of engg. knowledge.

The discussion is not about bad design or lack of technical competency. The discussion is about accountability and taking responsibility for your actions. A professional engineer is accountable for his/her design.

So you mean P Eng is for accountability ? It is wrong. The bridge collapse can be due to many reasons.
1) Wrong calculations.
2) Wrong material specification by the engineer who designed.
3) Not procuring materials as dspecified and designed.
4) Wrong trasportation and storage.
5) Wrong construction.
6) Not allowing curing period.
7) Putting it in use before specified period.

In canada, will you make a P Eng who designed responsible for all such errors? Are you joking?

I have worked in places where there is no PEng. I my self did calculations, drawings, i verified and OKed them and submitted the designs to client for final approval. when there is error in designs, ( It is bound to happen) we try to rectify either on table or at work site and when there is major problem occurs due to designs/drawings, all the stake holders take responsibility for that.

I think this is better system, what do you think?

Member since: Sep 10
Posts: 158

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 28-09-10 11:49:43

Tell me something what is being done for you to get your P Eng?
1) Are they teaching technical subjects there?
2) I know they teach ethics there.
3) What else?

Once i have this knowledge i can compare and we can orgue which system is really rediculous.

Member since: Sep 10
Posts: 158

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 28-09-10 12:13:01

Things are done differently in Canada than the way they are done in India. If you have the power and the will to change the system, go for it. Bridges have been built, cars have been assembled and medicines have been made by engineers in Canada since last 100 years. If system was so defective, it must have been broken down by now, but it isn't.

My answer :

If you feel that engineering is regulated profession and that is why the system running perfectly you are wrong again.

1) There is no system here to demolish 100 yrs old buildings.
2) There is no proper system for maintaing proper road in order to withstand the winter. I am seeing every summer they lay new road or repair it.
3) There is no proper system here in order for a heart patient to get operated on time which will save his life. They say it is free but before that he/she will die.
4) There will be many.... may be experience guys can add to it.

Come with me out of canada. I will show you countries where engineering or other professions are not regulated but running excellent.

So your orgument that b'cos it is regulated it is running ok, has no meaning.

Member since: Mar 07
Posts: 20
Location: brampton

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 29-09-10 13:58:48

True..........i have worked in India in really big company and we had 02 years of training period. We were trained or mentored by senior employee in every technical aspects of the job and then hired for job (confirmed - we used to call it).

the blind system here put weigh on theory and so called E. I. T period (where you can not learn any thing practically, if you asked 02-03 question people will watch you as an alien)

in my previous company the owner was only one with P Eng. and he fired one guy (general production associate ) who was doing that job for months. the reason was he denied to put metal 02 basket for acid treatment at a time in the acid pool (because he knew it is not safe).Owner wanted to make if fast and wanted to put all the bins at same time ( which will give acidic reaction and leads the bath temp very high) The bath temp went so high that the plant was full with heavy smoke and the plastic bin inside the acid was lost (both) .it was not reported any where and everyone was asked to keep it secret.

now was do you call it, Technical (in)competency of P.Eng or (mis) Management.

as per my understanding we have very less no. of jobs in Canada so they have created hurdles so people can be put in reserved pool till real jobs are available.

I mean census and other statistics since 80's and 90's suggesting baby boomers are retiring and we have to fill the gap.
virtually no baby boomer is retiring and no jobs are available.

Member since: Mar 04
Posts: 4
Location: india

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 01-08-11 08:56:41

Originally posted by JaiHo

I guess, Toronto University's Comparative Education Services can help. I am not sure though. I got my Equivalence done (not AMIE though) in 4 months.

Hope that helps. All the best.

i passed amie in 1989 and now want to apply for membership of oactte . pl tellme any one how to proceed and i will write the 3 hour test . i have lot of experience
send me in mail

Member since: Jul 04
Posts: 36
Location: Toronto

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 04-08-11 21:55:39

Its a joke to compare Canadian P.Eng with AMIE India. AMIE is a very low level engineering (so called) membership in India & not at all comparable to Indian for B.Tech or B.E of any indian universities.

Indian B.Tech + 4 years experience(canadian or indian) = Eligibility for Canadian P.Eng interviews & assessment with atleast minimum 12 months of canadian engineering related work experience.

Let us compare apples for apples.


Love is the hunger of human soul & devine our fellow indians.

Member since: Nov 06
Posts: 10

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 12-12-12 00:40:52

Please do not find and discover difference, equivalency etc etc. If you have a engineering degree from India, (including AMIE), apply for P.Eng. directly with your engineering resume ( not your foolish CV, bio-data - get help how to write resume for P.Eng application).

When you are asked to write exam or interview, face those. You know your subject, what is the fear. We do not compare we make inclusion but get yourself ready. Go and do the needful to get P.Eng if you really interested for this.

No auhthority in India has power to ignore Canadian University degrees and also no authority in Canada has any authority to ignore Indian Degrees.

Though, you could find engineering related job without P.Eng and CET. Remember that CET is not compulsary to practice in technology field in Canada.

I have simple foreign degree and got my P.Eng. - no question asked, send by post and received by post - nothing inbetween. Ask and consult directly your Provincial Association and nobody inbetween you and Association to bend you.

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