Initial Place to stay for new comers .

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Member since: Apr 05
Posts: 60

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 29-12-07 13:05:07

Hi guys

PLS do not go to Patel house @ Markham & Painted post drive (1 Mornington gate...nearest intersection is Lawrence & Markham or Ellesmere & Markham). had some horrible experiences of my 5 years life in Canada recently.
when I stayed there for like 2 months. There are almost 20 guys staying there in a 7 bedroom/2 storeyed detached house at any point of time. The heaters in the room DO NOT work even in most horrible of the winters. The gujju aunty who takes care of the house is one whimsical lady who will pull your legs every now and then if you are a non-gujju as if she only wants gujjus to stay there.( I have nothing against gujjus, point to noted here ). She wants to control everybody, if you speak against her, she won't tolerate at all.

Overall most horrifying experience...for guys who have just landed here, if they expereince something like this, their first impression would be very very bad and they would start thinking all negative sides of their canadian dream.

I would suggest to find like minded guys and share an apartment. Now a days in GTA one would also get NO lease apartments so you don't have to stay there for one year or more.

Cheers & good luck.


"We do not stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing".

Member since: Dec 07
Posts: 1

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 30-12-07 13:51:52


I fully agree with kdnyanesh about the problems faced @ Patel house. Even I was staying there for few days upon landing, but immediately decided to find another better place. Now I am also sharing an apt. with fews of my friends.

Even after repeated requests the room heater in the basement was never put on even on that day when GTA experienced 27 cm. of snow on one day. I would never recommend anybody (not even a gujju, I myself being one ) to go and stay there even for few days.



amit kalia   
Member since: Nov 03
Posts: 434
Location: Mississauga

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 04-02-08 09:28:16

Be wary of cheap rents and deplorable conditions

Many times new immigrants get lured by promises of cheap rent, free airport ride, assistance to get SIN, health card and much more. Only to find out later that the accomodation being offered is illegal and in deporable condition.

Handful of greedy landlords exploit housing shortage situation in Toronto. Many new immigrants, desperate tenants and students live in illegal housing, exposing themselves to unhealthy dungeons.

Recently, Toronto fined a illegal rooming housing in Scarborough. This place offered cheap rents of $400 per month and use to aggresively advertise online.

Here is the article:


Amit Kalia, Broker, REALTORĀ®
RE/MAX Real Estate Centre., Brokerage
independently owned & operated
100 City Centre Dr, Unit 1-702
Mississauga, ON L5B 2C9
Phone No.: 905-339-5111
Condo Blog:

Member since: Aug 06
Posts: 5286
Location: Canada

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 04-02-08 12:32:23

A new Immigrant is quuite insecure during his intial days as he has left his country , relatives - everything behind . At the same time job insecurity is there as his savings are going away @ Rs 40/- to $1/-

He tries to cut corners and settles for lesser priced 'desi accomodations hoping for some warmth and companionship and 'veg' food . Due to some unscruplous desis , they get ripped in stead and dont realize it till later .

Take a guest house which has been recommended and if possible ask for a private bedroom .I was surprised that private very well furnished bedrooms were available for just a little more . As far as eating is concerned there are vegetarian 'ready to eat' dishes avaiable aplenty at Indian stores .


Member since: Mar 08
Posts: 2

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 21-03-08 12:53:05

Didi' PG Accommodation(Toronto, Canada) review:

The review is written based on our experience, We are not going to debate or defend anyone. Take it for what it is worth.

About the place:

This place has 9 rooms(Basement and main floor together), 3 bathrooms, kitchen with Microwave and toaster, dining room, living room and free laundry, Iron table.

Typically a room has 2 beds, small closet, the big suitacase go under the beds, TV with DVD player, wireless internet access, and a computer.

At a given time approximately 12-15 PGs stay here, of-course most of them go for work, so its pretty silent during the day and not very buzzy in the evenings and weekends.

Didi and her family stay in a different house, this place is meant only for PGs.

What is nice about this place:

1. Your rent includes food, charges are very reasonable. Indian vegetarian food is provided (gujarati, punjabi and some times south indian). Usually includes Rotis, 2 curry's, rice, daal or sambar, occasionally samosa, bajji or dohkla will be served. There is a special dish 1 day a week which is usually Saturday.

Didi has a own kitchen outside this house but within the fence. So, no much food or masala smell in the house.

Food gets ready by 2:30 or 3:00 in the noon, 1 time food is provided, you can have your food in 2 small portions one at 3:00 Pm and in the night if required.
She makes sure that there is no shortage of food, most of the days guest keep the extra food in fridge which sometimes people have it during breakfast.

Well, the stay also includes a proper breakfast ; Bread (butter, few varieties of jams), cereals, and plenty of milk, instant coffee powder, tea bags and chai masalas, no limit on how much you want to eat.

There are some dishes that we really enjoyed and some we felt could be improved. Overall we are rate the quality of food (for the taste) as 6 on a scale of 10 but this is a subjective opinion and someone may say 1 or 10.

2. Two elderly women are appointed and help didi with cooking and they clean the premises everyday including bathrooms and bath tub. I heard this is usually not the case with some other PG accommodations where the cleaning is done weekly once or so.

3. Some rooms are little bit more spacious and bigger than what we got, this is still not bad it is sufficient for 2 people.

4. High speed wireless access is available, excellent bandwidth.

5. Free laundry, washing powder is provided.

6. Didi and her husband are wonderful people, readily show up during emergencies and extend their help when ever required.

Since we used stay at home during the day we see how much hard work and sincere effort is put in running this service.

What is not so good about this place:

1. Except for the full bathroom which has the bath tub the other 2 are small. Not everyone might be comfortable with it.

2. Although cleaning of premises is done everyday, some of the PGs loose their ethical behavior and leave the toilets unclean after they use. We of-course purchased the cleaning wipes and clean the seat every-time before we use. You can also buy the cleaner spray that you get for a dollar in dollar shops. Well, didi herself is considering to provide them soon.

We sensed a genuineness and sincerity in their efforts to make the stay comfortable. This may not be the best place where you want to live i.e., may not be like your home or a motel but it is value for the money. You are not paying for stuff you dont need like paying a motel for a swimming pool/gym that you will rarely use. A basic back of the envelop calculation will show that they are not making a tons of money from this venture and are doing it to serve a society and make some decent returns on their investment. this is not exactly charity but they are not money mongers either. for a new immigrant wanting to have a safe and reasonable comfortable starting in a new country this is a decent beginning. Ofcourse there is room for improvement, bigger bathrooms, considerate co PGS, improve overall quality of food.

Will I think of coming here again if required ?---YES. and please remember her rooms get booked very quickly, book lot in advance if you plan to consider this place. You can check with her if you like to use the address for some references like PR card, SIN card etc.

Feel like home, you'll be happy and satisfied, expecting royal and star hotel service might disappoint you.


Member since: Aug 06
Posts: 5286
Location: Canada

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 21-03-08 16:50:46

I think during initial days a person needs privacy (and a private i net connection) in a private NON BASEMENT bedroom - this facility can be availed easily in around CAD 500/- (+ /-) in downtown Toronto which obviously includes a common kitchen and laundry .

You might have to cook your own food though which these days can be supplemented by ready to eat Indian dishes available conveniently in a nearby Indian store.


Member since: Sep 04
Posts: 1052
Location: Nice ,USA

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 21-03-08 17:36:40

I used sunny newcomer services and i had no problem.

You know you are a desi when ........ You spew forth the virtues of India, but don't want to live there...............You've never had a tanning salon membership

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