I am going to move to Canada in January 07. My extended student life In the US is coming to an end . I had completed my immigration formalities and submitted my goods to follow list earlier this year and returned to the US. I was planning to come with just two bags but I am tempted to take the smallest U-Haul truck for the move too. The downside to taking the truck is that its expensive, flying is a cheaper option. I would be saving approx. US$500 if I took the flight. The questions I had were:
1) I have some electronic items that include a TV, DVD player, Computer, printer/fax , microwave etc. Some of these items are old and I was wondering if I should bring them to Canada or sell them in the US. Are electronic items expensive in Canada?
2) Furniture, again mostly hand me downs but some are good. I need that sofa...cant wait 13 years for one (with all due respect...any resemblance to any story is purely coincidental). So are furniture prices high in Canada?
Plus if Iam taking the truck Iam definitely going to toss in my old mattress, cooking utensils, picassos etc. This should be good enough to stock up a studio/1 bedroom apt.
Again a thousand apologies if these questions have been asked before.
Any advice would be appreciated...
Aerodynamically the bumblebee shouldn't be able to fly, but the bumblebee does not know that so it goes on flying anyway.
Well to answer my question , I gues Iam going to take the truck. Prices for electronics look reasonable in Canada:
But I think when I sell stuff I am not going to make much and when looking at the overall picture I guess I would save more by just renting a truck and driving over with all the household items.
One who asks a question is a fool for five minutes; one who does not ask a question remains a fool forever ~ Chinese proverb
Also remember that in Ontario you have to pay about 14% sales tax on anything you buy except a few food items
India Canada Bhai-Bhai
Thanks TD....now I wont have second thoughts about U-Haul
Yes, you can avoid the GST: Government screws taxpayer.
I have to move to Halifax from Troronto with about 10 computer monitor boxes of stuff. Can someone recommend some good & reasonably priced mover ?
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