Earnings vs. Expenses

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Member since: Dec 03
Posts: 13

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 03-01-04 15:38:06

In Canada, you can find good accommodation in a good locality (90% of localities in Canada would be what you woul dcall clean, decent locality), 1 bedroom apt. in the 1000 dollar range around mississauga, if you go toward hamilton, you might get a 2 br apt. for around 850.

If you go for basement apartments in a house rent could be cheaper.

All electrical appliances i.e., fridge, electric oven, come with the kitchen. some kitchens come with dishwasher. Every apt. building (high rise) woul dhave a laundromat, where you have access to washing machine, dryer for a dollar each for one use.

Cars are cheap, you might be able to get a used van for around 3000 dollars. However, in Toronto and surrounds, clean public transport is available and I would suggest you use that in the initial months unless you are stuck in Indian status quo where you want to have a car since you had a car in India. Just a reminder to everyone, many celebrities use the TTC which is the local train in Toronto, I have seen them myself, I could give a few big names that I saw in the TTC if anyone is curious.

Education in Canada is free and the school system is very good.

My suggestion is you set your own path, try not to compare your job search with that of other fellow desis or anyone else. You are a unique individual, come with an open mind and don't compare with India or your past experiences. This is a new country, so be open to new way of doing things. There are so many jobs in eveyr industry, think what you can do to get those jobs.

Member since: Sep 03
Posts: 2962
Location: Montreal

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 03-01-04 15:41:51

Orginally posted by vishalgrover

Yes, I do understand that lifestyle requirements are very relative. Well I would presently classify myself in \\\"Upper Middle Income Group\\\". Which means I reside in a fairly decent locality in Gurgaon, near Delhi(2 bedroom accommodation). Lifestyle includes commodities like car, various electrial & electronic appliances at home, public school education for children (2 kids)...and what else do I add?

Correct me if I am wrong, I understand that such a lifestyle is very basic in Canada.


Vishal Grover

You can have the above lifestyle at even doing labor jobs here. Even if you do not have a job your kids and you have access to the best libraries and swimming pools etc. Public education is also more or less free and affordable to almost everybody. About having a house in a better locality...there is a difference between the term 'better locality'' in India and in Canada. You pay more for a house in a \"better locality\". However, i would classify most middles class localities..atleast in Montreal, as 'decent'

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Member since: Dec 03
Posts: 13

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 03-01-04 15:49:11

Thanks for your best wishes.

I am not here to poke holes at anyone's theories, just trying to give what I think is good advise to new immigrants. Sometimes with sheep mentality, we all drown together, getting each others opinion on job search. Those who venture out on their own and keep an open mind succeed which is what I wish for all newcomers.

Anyone interested in incometax can check here or at the CCRA site

Member since: Jun 03
Posts: 140
Location: Vancouver, Canada

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 03-01-04 16:11:22

an important point raise in the last mesage,
don't reply too much on others, Western countries have an individualistic approach and thats what works best here.

I read in the post. people prefer to goto Toronto as there is a big Desi population there and people rely too much on this fact.

When you have left your country then leave the collective thinking there aswell, believe more in yourself and stand out on your own identity and it will help you.

Canada immigration only give you points for your blood relatives and if they believed that cousions and door keh chacha and mamas could get you a job , they would have given points for their Canadian status aswell.

So learn to stand on your own!!!

Member since: Sep 03
Posts: 2962
Location: Montreal

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 03-01-04 16:11:49

I understand your thoughts but like I said

.. if i start poking holes about your posts(you do leave me enough opportunities to)...this forum would only degenerate into a mudslinging fest. So try to be civil and combat what you consider as inappropiate advice with a higher standard of advice without hitting below the belt.

So what i am saying is that you do have a right to your opinions and what you *think* is the best advice. Neither you nor I or anyone else in the world has a market share on *correct advice*. So please do give your advice without belittling others. That's a challenge in itself and tougher than it sounds...as you will see. Just try it for a few weeks and tell me if i am wrong.

And you thought 50% taxes was a good story
Here is the info on Quebec taxes...

\"For the 2001 taxation year, taxable income greater than $52,000 will be taxed at the rate of 24.5% (previously 25%). Effective July 1, 2001, taxable income greater than $52,000 will be taxed at the adjusted rate of 24%. \"

This is just at the provincial level add almost the same to federal tax and you get like I said 48-50%

also try

put in 75000 into the fields and you will know how much you will be giving away in taxes in quebec. I got similar #'s for Ontario.

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Member since: Mar 03
Posts: 2606
Location: Toronto

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 03-01-04 19:25:49

Orginally posted by sujata
we all drown together, getting each others opinion on job search. Those who venture out on their own and keep an open mind succeed which is what I wish for all newcomers.

I did exactly that - and I thought I was being smart by not following advice of my brother and friends who had seen Canadian life - because I thought that was very Asian thought - relying on others' opinions.

The result - I regret my decision of not following their advice. If I had, I would have continued in a cushy office in a nice job saving twice of what I am earning today, and not restricting my children in everything they want to do, whether it be related to money, or their lifestyle.

I would say, get opionions from as many people as you can, and then arrive at an inference. It is a statistical truth that the larger the sample size, the better your inference would be, and the better prepared you would be to face the actualities.


Advice is free – lessons I charge for!!

Member since: Mar 03
Posts: 2606
Location: Toronto

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 04-01-04 02:08:13

Hey Raj,

You cannot have the inference first and call sample of lesser quality if the sample gives you a result not consistent with your thinking.

If 7 out of 10 say Canada is great - you will accept it.
If 7 out of 10 say Canada is bad for them - you say they are cribbing.

Is that valid?


Advice is free – lessons I charge for!!

Contributors: jake3d(4) sujata(3) chandresh(3) vishalgrover(2) rajcanada(1) hestonuk(1)

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