Hello, Im a Canadian citizen planning on moving to atlanta for a few years to help support my girlfriend while she attends school. I know im legally allowed to enter the country for 6 months but that does not permit me to work. My stay will be probably around 2 years so of course ill be looking for a job. My question is basically what do i need to do? lol. Ive phoned and talked to many people and all ive managed to gather is I can go down there and find a employer and when I do have them petition to get a working visa for me. Is this how its done? Will this allow me to stay there for the 2 years im looking for. If not what do I need to do...hope this all makes sense Im very tired atm.
You can get TN Visa.
Hurat Honani Murat!
As a Canadian Citizen, you will be in the US for leisure. I think you are not suppose to look for job while you are here. However once you get a job, you will have to get TN visa. Now you can apply for "adjustment of status" while in US, but as you will be without any status, you can not do that. So you will have to just leave US and comeback in order to do so. For H1 as you know the quota fills very fast.
A Proud Indian Canadian
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