I've been following this site with considerable amount of interest for the last couple of weeks, post recvg the PR. I really have to appreciate the strong POVs i've got on different issues,this has definitely made me a much more informed individual and hopefully much better prepared interms of what i can really expect from my \"new Home\" .
I intend moving in April to Canada. I had a couple of queries which i thought could get addressed by individuals who have already gone through this process.
Q: Since one would not want to invest in capital items initially (due to financial reasons), is it really worth carrying any electronic items (eg Computer,Kitchen electricals etc) to tide over the initial couple of months.While i know that the electrial system is different, would using an adapter etc help. Is it possible or feasible ?This would also be a function of shipment costs vs the acquisition costs of new/2nd hand items in Canada.
Hi Rajiv
You did not mention that from where you are moving? You can have a look at following thread for more information:
If you are coming from India, no need to bring any electronics and electrical items. Read the above thread and let me know if you have any question. I can be reached at
Thanks and regards.
"Change before you have to" : Jack Welch
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