CD members are doing an excellent job of sharing knowledge to the newcomers. Thank you all for that.
WE are landing soon and we have few questions.
1. What should be done about Gold ornaments? Is it advisable to bring it along with us the first time itself considering the fact that we will be spending our initial days in an insecure guesthouse? or is it advisable to bring it to canada once we properly settle in? I request memebers to answer this considering the value of gold today.
2. WE need to show the proof of funds at the port of entry. What is the preferred way of brining it? Is it travellors cheques or a DD? If we bring DD, we can not encash it until we open a Bank account. Secondly, it is necessary to declare all the money we are going to bring in later? What happens if we don't declare? will it become subject to tax? Also please tell us what happens if we declare and don't bring.
3. What is the amount that we have to bring?
4. We would like to know how long it takes to open a Bank account and which is the preferred bank ?
5. Is safe locker facility available there? and how much does it cost.
6. WE have spent a long time in gulf. Our first daughter was 3 years when we came here. WE need to bring immunization certificate to help her admission in school. Is there a need to get the immunization certificate from India for her first 3 years and rest to be taken here in gulf? I request an ex-gulfie who faced a similar situation to answer this and help me out.
Namaste Mr Subbu
I am also landing very shortly and have done research about most of your queries.I wud try helping you out.
1)My suggestion is leave the gold behind and later you can get it(only when ur wife says ok :-))becos most BAD GUYZ know that all immigrants come with hefty amount of gold and if you dont store them safely....OFF YOU GO!
they were few robberies as well itseems
2)i wud say..travellers checks are better.And regarding the money bringing later and taxable i was also having the same doubt hope someone else helps us regrading this issue.
3)The amount of funds to be brought depends upon the size of ur family
see page 9 of the link
4)hey i have researched a lot and lot about banks and conculded that TD is the best
5)i have searched in this forumand have known that getting alocker is same as in indiayou wud be put in waiting costs you somewhere around 78 to100 $ PA
6)this query i cannot helpyou at i amnot from gulf....hopeothers wud try helping you... :-)
all the best.....
Originally posted by subbu1962
CD members are doing an excellent job of sharing knowledge to the newcomers. Thank you all for that.
WE are landing soon and we have few questions.
1. What should be done about Gold ornaments? Is it advisable to bring it along with us the first time itself considering the fact that we will be spending our initial days in an insecure guesthouse? or is it advisable to bring it to canada once we properly settle in? I request memebers to answer this considering the value of gold today.
2. WE need to show the proof of funds at the port of entry. What is the preferred way of brining it? Is it travellors cheques or a DD? If we bring DD, we can not encash it until we open a Bank account. Secondly, it is necessary to declare all the money we are going to bring in later? What happens if we don't declare? will it become subject to tax? Also please tell us what happens if we declare and don't bring.
3. What is the amount that we have to bring?
4. We would like to know how long it takes to open a Bank account and which is the preferred bank ?
5. Is safe locker facility available there? and how much does it cost.
6. WE have spent a long time in gulf. Our first daughter was 3 years when we came here. WE need to bring immunization certificate to help her admission in school. Is there a need to get the immunization certificate from India for her first 3 years and rest to be taken here in gulf? I request an ex-gulfie who faced a similar situation to answer this and help me out.
Hello Subbu
All these questions have been discussed in details in CD before. So if you search, you shall find your answers.
In any case let me try and answer.
1. It is NOT advisable to bring all your ornaments here the first time. Prepare a list of goods to follow. Include all your jewellery in that list. Get the jewellery valued by a valuer, take photographs of each piece and number the photograph at the back corresponding with the valuation list. Get all these stamped when you land the first time. I would advise to get only the basic minimum jewellery as in any case I feel you would hardly find time to wear it in the initial few months.
2. Get TC's, cash and balance in DD. Opening an account is no big deal. According to me TD and Royal are the best. I personally do not like the service provided by CIBC or Scotia. Once you deposit the DD it may take over 21 business days to clear. I do not know why but that's the way it is. So best option is to get TC, cash them and deposit them as cash in your account so the funds are easily accessible. You can bring in any amount you want to the first time. Be sure you declare all the amount you are bringing in.
It is always better to declare the amount you are bringing in later. That you at least you do not have to clarify later where that money came from. It would be assumed it a part of your earnings before you came here. But remember if that money in that other country is making money for you (by way of interest) and that interest is a part of your world income on which you have to pay Canadian tax.
This is my understanding of the subject and maybe a tax consultant on this site may help you further. ( this is anyway the tax season so you will find 'one' soon )
3. See reply above
4. See my reply point 2
5. Lockers are available at most branches. The fees vary from $25 to $100. i was lucky to get locker at my branch without any waiting period. I presume that should be the case unless you get into one of a heavily populated immigration places. get locker and keep your passport, landing papers, PR card etc. in the locker.
i am sure you have checked the two stickys of this section.
All the best.
Hi subbu,
Am able to answer certain parts of your post, so here goes --
1. You can open an account with ICICI bank (Hello Canada account??) and book a locker at the branch closest to you. Make sure you land just before a working day (for the branch) and go off to get your locker, your cheque book etc etc.
2. Send most of your funds via a wire transfer to your ICICI bank account and carry a bank draft for the amount you need to show the immigration officer. Deposit this draft. till it clears, you can use the funds you sent via a wire transfer. Alternatively, you can buy a draft via ICICI bank in your country.
3. already answered earlier.
4. IMO, ICICI or HSBC are the easiest in terms of account opening from outside Canada especially if you have been banking with them. I suggest using either of these plus one local bank. You can open the local bank account once you land.
5. Lockers are called safe deposit boxes and are easily available. Only you may not get the size you want. There is usually a waiting list for the larger ones.
6.I prepared a letter detailing the vaccinations and took it to the doctor we usually went to at XXX Hospital,Dubai, along with the records of the vaccinations given to our children in India. The doctor saw those records as well as checked the records of the vaccinations given at XXX hospital. The doctor then signed the letter as well as put the hospital seal- which was accepted by the schools. Do ensure that the hospital seal is affixed.
Good luck.
Originally posted by subbu1962
CD members are doing an excellent job of sharing knowledge to the newcomers. Thank you all for that.
WE are landing soon and we have few questions.
1. What should be done about Gold ornaments? Is it advisable to bring it along with us the first time itself considering the fact that we will be spending our initial days in an insecure guesthouse? or is it advisable to bring it to canada once we properly settle in? I request memebers to answer this considering the value of gold today.
2. WE need to show the proof of funds at the port of entry. What is the preferred way of brining it? Is it travellors cheques or a DD? If we bring DD, we can not encash it until we open a Bank account. Secondly, it is necessary to declare all the money we are going to bring in later? What happens if we don't declare? will it become subject to tax? Also please tell us what happens if we declare and don't bring.
3. What is the amount that we have to bring?
4. We would like to know how long it takes to open a Bank account and which is the preferred bank ?
5. Is safe locker facility available there? and how much does it cost.
6. WE have spent a long time in gulf. Our first daughter was 3 years when we came here. WE need to bring immunization certificate to help her admission in school. Is there a need to get the immunization certificate from India for her first 3 years and rest to be taken here in gulf? I request an ex-gulfie who faced a similar situation to answer this and help me out.
Thank you very much all canadian desi friends. We landed smoothly on May 7th.
I have been struggling to find a job of any kind in my profession since then. It is pretty disappointing. Let me me give it a honest try before giving it up.
Thanks once again.
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