Do not pay anything on your credit card or to the garage .... Let the mechanic / garage inspect , come up with a figure and you pay that to the person in CASH .
Originally posted by delhigirl
As for him claiming more damages after the repair is done, Guptamik is right, i am going to have him give singed statement relieving me of any liability. I hope that will suffice, I am not sure though.
Advice is free – lessons I charge for!!
Originally posted by chandresh
Originally posted by delhigirl
As for him claiming more damages after the repair is done, Guptamik is right, i am going to have him give singed statement relieving me of any liability. I hope that will suffice, I am not sure though.
Well I am sure though - once you settle on your own - insurance company will wash its hands off - and then the claim settlement will be your personal responsibility. That is what two good insurance companies have told me (State Farm and Manulife). And then your insurance will go up because they will know that you tried to hide the accident and damages from them.
So getting a note from that person absolving you of any further liability is of no use - from legal and insurance point of view.
Delhi Girl,
I'm curious about something (yes since we spoke this morning, I've been thinking about this ) I'm sure there's a period after an accident within which you are supposed to file a claim? I don't know the rule but since you have a friend who works in the insirance business, you should consult him.
This is one reason reports should be filed so that the date of accident is on record i suppose !
If there's infact a limit then I'd also take it easy and let time pass
Chandresh: A notarised document is a legally binding contract and thus would hold. Key of course is NOTARISED!
HI Delhigirl
What is the progress or final outcome. Please let us know so we are better informed about such matters.
Advice is free – lessons I charge for!!
Originally posted by chandresh
HI Delhigirl
What is the progress or final outcome. Please let us know so we are better informed about such matters.
Originally posted by delhigirl
Originally posted by chandresh
HI Delhigirl
What is the progress or final outcome. Please let us know so we are better informed about such matters.
As you already know, he didnt call me back last saturday. So I called him yesterday. Now the plan for repair has been postponed till next Saturday.
Lets see how it goes.
Will keep you guys posted.
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