Dear Experts
I got interview call from CHC,Berlin. I live in UK for the past 2 years.
I already postponed my 1st interview call because i failed to get Germany visa in time to attend Interview in Berlin CHC (I also requested file transfer to London CHC-But they didnot transfer my file).
Now I got the 2nd/final interview call from Berlin CHC next month. But on that day i cannot go to Germany because of work.
So i would like to know the possibilities of saving the application without being refused.
Is it possible to get another date based on medical fitness reason?
or Is there any method to get another date or transfer of file or getting the interview waiver?
Originally posted by mailtobala
Dear Experts
I got interview call from CHC,Berlin. I live in UK for the past 2 years.
I already postponed my 1st interview call because i failed to get Germany visa in time to attend Interview in Berlin CHC (I also requested file transfer to London CHC-But they did not transfer my file).
Now I got the 2nd/final interview call from Berlin CHC next month. But on that day i cannot go to Germany because of work.
So i would like to know the possibilities of saving the application without being refused.
Is it possible to get another date based on medical fitness reason?
or Is there any method to get another date or transfer of file or getting the interview waiver?
I had pretty similar situation , where I couldn't attend first interview and they gave me another chance. I was well settled at that time in the UK and was not really intested in Canadian PR however I went ahead second time with the interview .. and I really thank God for that thought . I lost my job after a year in the UK and had no status there ... never thought of coming to Canada , but moved in the end and now very happy with my decision . If you think long term , you are really missing a good opportunity ... I'm not sure about your status in the UK , however without a Citizenship or PR there is no way you can survive in a country without a job .... so think long term !!!
my two cents !
Kind Regards
Good times are ahead for him. He is on his way.
Wish him all the best at the Interview at the CIC in Germany.
Yes Shah! you are correct.
I am on my way for the 2nd time. I made all the efforts to attend on second interview date. UK is small country,they wonot have room for many foreigners like US,Canada. The immigration law in UK changes regularly.
Thanks for the reply.
Originally posted by Shah
I had pretty similar situation , where I couldn't attend first interview and they gave me another chance. I was well settled at that time in the UK and was not really intested in Canadian PR however I went ahead second time with the interview .. and I really thank God for that thought . I lost my job after a year in the UK and had no status there ... never thought of coming to Canada , but moved in the end and now very happy with my decision . If you think long term , you are really missing a good opportunity ... I'm not sure about your status in the UK , however without a Citizenship or PR there is no way you can survive in a country without a job .... so think long term !!!
my two cents !
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