Nepal: Extended part of China ?

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Member since: Nov 08
Posts: 1448
Location: Sunny - Leone

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 17-04-09 17:53:03

What a Disaster awaits India. Nobody seems to worry about what is in store for the future of India.

China wants Arunachal Pradesh.

China has already made Srilanka financially dependant on it.

May be India should use our CPI(Marxists), CPI, Maoists and Naxals to merge and form an union with China to fight Taliban.

If not the results will be disastarous.


After Maoists, China woos Nepal's communists
16 Apr 2009, 1632 hrs IST, TNN

While Nepal's first Maoist Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal Prachanda made no secret of his political preferences by opting to make China his first
port of call abroad immediately after being sworn in and is poised to make another trip in the coming weeks, the Maoists' coalition ally and also deadly rival, the communists, are also not lagging behind.

On Saturday, the new chief of the Communist Party of Nepal-Unified Marxist Leninist (UML), Jhalanath Khanal, will head for Beijing on a 10-day visit at the invitation of the Communist Party of China (CPC). Khanal will be accompanied by four senior members of his party, including two former ministers.

Besides seeking repeated assurances from Nepal's major parties that they would not support anti-China activities in Nepal, especially movements for a Free Tibet by Tibetan activists, Beijing is also trying to get Nepal's horde of left parties to merge and form one powerful monolithic party like the CPC.

Heeding the advice, two minor left parties have already merged with the ruling Maoist party, causing it to rechristen itself the Unified Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist). However, there seems little possibility of a quick union between the Maoists, the biggest party, and the UML, the third-largest, given the continuing clashes between their cadres. For a long time, the UML boycotted cabinet meetings to protest the recent killing of one of its youth leaders, Prachanda Thaibe, allegedly by the youth wing of the Maoists.

However, despite the bonhomie China enjoys with the ruling parties of Nepal as well as the opposition and the frequent delegations it has been sending to Kathmandu, Beijing was caught on the wrong foot recently when its draft for a proposed new peace and friendship treaty with Kathmandu was leaked to the media.

In the draft handed over to Prachanda last month, Beijing still referred to Nepal as a kingdom, forgetting the fact that it had been transformed into a federal republic last May.

Sunny Leone a true Canadian DESI now back in India !.

Member since: Apr 06
Posts: 1170

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 18-04-09 19:37:19

Originally posted by Vandematram

What a Disaster awaits India. Nobody seems to worry about what is in store for the future of India.

China wants Arunachal Pradesh.

China has already made Srilanka financially dependant on it.

May be India should use our CPI(Marxists), CPI, Maoists and Naxals to merge and form an union with China to fight Taliban.

If not the results will be disastarous.


After Maoists, China woos Nepal's communists
16 Apr 2009, 1632 hrs IST, TNN

While Nepal's first Maoist Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal Prachanda made no secret of his political preferences by opting to make China his first
port of call abroad immediately after being sworn in and is poised to make another trip in the coming weeks, the Maoists' coalition ally and also deadly rival, the communists, are also not lagging behind.

On Saturday, the new chief of the Communist Party of Nepal-Unified Marxist Leninist (UML), Jhalanath Khanal, will head for Beijing on a 10-day visit at the invitation of the Communist Party of China (CPC). Khanal will be accompanied by four senior members of his party, including two former ministers.

Besides seeking repeated assurances from Nepal's major parties that they would not support anti-China activities in Nepal, especially movements for a Free Tibet by Tibetan activists, Beijing is also trying to get Nepal's horde of left parties to merge and form one powerful monolithic party like the CPC.

Heeding the advice, two minor left parties have already merged with the ruling Maoist party, causing it to rechristen itself the Unified Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist). However, there seems little possibility of a quick union between the Maoists, the biggest party, and the UML, the third-largest, given the continuing clashes between their cadres. For a long time, the UML boycotted cabinet meetings to protest the recent killing of one of its youth leaders, Prachanda Thaibe, allegedly by the youth wing of the Maoists.

However, despite the bonhomie China enjoys with the ruling parties of Nepal as well as the opposition and the frequent delegations it has been sending to Kathmandu, Beijing was caught on the wrong foot recently when its draft for a proposed new peace and friendship treaty with Kathmandu was leaked to the media.

In the draft handed over to Prachanda last month, Beijing still referred to Nepal as a kingdom, forgetting the fact that it had been transformed into a federal republic last May.

China has transformed itself in true world power. Further, Chinese politicians, for all their faults, are intensely patriotic. They have now total control over many important African countries where they win most infrastructure deals and carry out work with Chinese laboreres who all the time are escorted and protected by Chinese security guards (Army by all means). They protect Chinese citizens any where in world. The best example is Red Mosque raid to capture militants who killed a couple of Chinese prostitutes in Pakistan!.

Brazil and to large extent Russia are now under Chinese influence due to their dependance on Chinese trade.

China has fuelled nuclear proliferation through North Korea and now through Iran and by providing technology to Pakistan has created permanent threat to civilized world. USA, so dependent on Chinese ;oans and goodwill is powerless and thus China is a super power. Indian idiots are as always oblivious to this threat and I have my doubts whether any young Indian is aware about this. In fact China had defacto control over India through CPI and CPM , so long they were supporting UPA Govt. Vajpayee, like a true moron he is, went to China and proudly ceded to Chinese occupation of Tibet without getting anything in return.

I have always maintained that for certain provinces like Maharashtra, Gujarat and MP, to prosper , India shold be disbanded.

Hope Chinese will accomplish this for us.

Member since: Feb 04
Posts: 2831
Location: Toronto

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 18-04-09 19:54:42

Originally posted by Nightmare
I have always maintained that for certain provinces like Maharashtra, Gujarat and MP, to prosper , India shold be disbanded.

Hope Chinese will accomplish this for us.

Wow, you guys are scary, spooky....

"Mah deah, there is much more money to be made in the destruction of civilization than in building it up."

-- Rhett Butler in "Gone with the Wind"

Member since: Mar 09
Posts: 327

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 18-04-09 23:35:38

Maybe not.

Let us reflect on Indian history since Independence briefly. First at foremost, we had the idealism of Mahatma Gandhi and Nehru governments.

Gandhiji insisted on giving the modest funds that India had to Pakistan, which the latter used to buy weapons to fight India.

War with China in 1962 quickly brought the Nehru government to reality. India had to rush to USA, and the Kennedy administration warned China then if the Chinese overplayed, US would not hesitate to use nuclear force.

So much for the Non Allied Movement. US had to bail out India.

Subsequent Indian governments continued out dated economic and strategic policies. India become famous for the ‘Hindu rate of growth’. See link

Fortunately, V. Narasimha Rao government liberalized the economy and for the first time in Indian history – the standard of living increased. Strategically and Military India has only recently - for the first time firmly aligning with US after signing on the nuclear deal.

India needs to reform on the following fronts:

1) Move away from the vote bank politics. This has lead to weak governments, who procrastinate on vital reforms. A presidential style of government, rather than parliamentary one currently in place should be considered.

Indians need to chose leaders who lead from the front. BJP slogan, "The PM presides; Sonia decides" is very much true. India is not a monarchy where all Congress leaders are by default members of the Gandhi family?

Surely, there is another leader in Congress who has talent to lead?

2) Move towards US-Israel-India defense treaty. Israel lives in a rough neighborhood and has successfully dealt constant terrorism threats. All 3 countries are fighting the terrorism groups [who cooperate among themselves]

Currently Israel gets $3bn per year. Egypt gets approximately $2bn per year. Obama has promised Pakistan $2bn over 5 years i.e. $10 in total.

India could ask for at least $5bn per year from the US.

3) Understand the major threat to India’s security comes from state sponsored terrorism from across the border and its proxies [Taliban], not China.

Member since: Apr 06
Posts: 1170

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 19-04-09 00:22:39

Originally posted by sguk

Maybe not.

Let us reflect on Indian history since Independence briefly. First at foremost, we had the idealism of Mahatma Gandhi and Nehru governments.

Gandhiji insisted on giving the modest funds that India had to Pakistan, which the latter used to buy weapons to fight India.

War with China in 1962 quickly brought the Nehru government to reality. India had to rush to USA, and the Kennedy administration warned China then if the Chinese overplayed, US would not hesitate to use nuclear force.

So much for the Non Allied Movement. US had to bail out India.

Subsequent Indian governments continued out dated economic and strategic policies. India become famous for the ‘Hindu rate of growth’. See link

Fortunately, V. Narasimha Rao government liberalized the economy and for the first time in Indian history – the standard of living increased. Strategically and Military India has only recently - for the first time firmly aligning with US after signing on the nuclear deal.

India needs to reform on the following fronts:

1) Move away from the vote bank politics. This has lead to weak governments, who procrastinate on vital reforms. A presidential style of government, rather than parliamentary one currently in place should be considered.

Indians need to chose leaders who lead from the front. BJP slogan, "The PM presides; Sonia decides" is very much true. India is not a monarchy where all Congress leaders are by default members of the Gandhi family?

Surely, there is another leader in Congress who has talent to lead?

2) Move towards US-Israel-India defense treaty. Israel lives in a rough neighborhood and has successfully dealt constant terrorism threats. All 3 countries are fighting the terrorism groups [who cooperate among themselves]

Currently Israel gets $3bn per year. Egypt gets approximately $2bn per year. Obama has promised Pakistan $2bn over 5 years i.e. $10 in total.

India could ask for at least $5bn per year from the US.

3) Understand the major threat to India’s security comes from state sponsored terrorism from across the border and its proxies [Taliban], not China.

This is wishful thinking of or you must be living in Utopia.

Unless India is divided in Good India and Bad India, good India can not survive. (something like GM). So long as third rate states like UP, Kashmir and NE Indian states are part of India, they will keep getting and consuming resourced badly needed for development. Then there are certain "Smart" states like Kerala and West Bengal where work culture and primacy of national interest is lacking and they are stone mills for good economic policies, which ever party gets elected. Then thre are couple of states which elect only corrupt politicians (Tamilnadu and Andhra). Exclude the above stated states and India or whatever is left of India will be wondurful. I believe India should be disbanded.

Member since: Mar 09
Posts: 327

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 19-04-09 00:38:21

I live in the real world. Don't worry!

Divide and Rule ?

United we stand. Divided we fall.

China is strong because it is united. If you read Chinese history that is what the occupiers wanted to do to China. Divide it into small states. Even today, Taiwan is protected because a united China [with Taiwan] would be even stronger nation.

India has failed due to the above. Failed policies. Not failed states.

Has the USA ever considering discarding Utah?

Or think of the EU?

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