• Landed Dec 2005
• Physical present in Canada from October 2006, (between Dec 2005 to Oct 2206 few short trip)
• Move back to US April 2009,
I have to give up my PR as I am not meeting physical present require by Immigration law.
Before I move to US my wife she got a Job at Canadian company (April 2009) and Canadian company transfer her to their US office for training (she has US-GC through my CP),
My question is;
1. Can she qualify to apply for Canadian Citizenship after January 2010 base on working for Canadian company but living outside Canada?
2. Is it better to hire any immigration lawyer for all application and interview preparation? If yes, can someone suggest good lawyer?
If she doesn’t qualify for Citizenship than she will surrender her PR (no obligation for Canadian Tax)
Thank you for reading and appreciate reply!
"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win" - Mahatma Gandhi
Quote:No. For citizenship, physical presence is mandatory.
Originally posted by parth1970
1. Can she qualify to apply for Canadian Citizenship after January 2010 base on working for Canadian company but living outside Canada?
Quote:There's no need for lawyer in citizenship cases because it's a fairly straightforward process,
2. Is it better to hire any immigration lawyer for all application and interview preparation? If yes, can someone suggest good lawyer?
"Mah deah, there is much more money to be made in the destruction of civilization than in building it up."
-- Rhett Butler in "Gone with the Wind"
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