Historic Day in USA Congress: Modified Health Care Bill to be Passed

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Member since: Nov 08
Posts: 1448
Location: Sunny - Leone

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 21-03-10 16:33:48

In a few minutes the much awaited Health Care Bill will be Passed after much wheeling and dealing with many modifications.

Every Senator has been offered sweet deals to vote for this bill.

This will change America from being a Capitalist Society to be more a Socialistic State like Canada.

This will bring a huge financial burden running into Trillions of Dollars to hover over the US economy for the next few decades.

Already many a White groups feel that many a minorities who live on food stamps will now have free or subsidized health care and that too paid by their TAX dollars.

Historic Day in US of A !.

Sunny Leone a true Canadian DESI now back in India !.

Member since: Nov 04
Posts: 1353
Location: Vaughan

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 21-03-10 16:51:22

"Every Senator has been offered sweet deals to vote for this bill."

Have you read this somewhere ?

Member since: Nov 06
Posts: 542
Location: Somewhere in dreamland

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 21-03-10 17:07:29

Health-care bill not yet a law, but Republicans already organizing to repeal it


Member since: Apr 06
Posts: 1170

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 21-03-10 17:22:11

Originally posted by Vandematram

In a few minutes the much awaited Health Care Bill will be Passed after much wheeling and dealing with many modifications.

Every Senator has been offered sweet deals to vote for this bill.

This will change America from being a Capitalist Society to be more a Socialistic State like Canada.

This will bring a huge financial burden running into Trillions of Dollars to hover over the US economy for the next few decades.

Already many a White groups feel that many a minorities who live on food stamps will now have free or subsidized health care and that too paid by their TAX dollars.

Historic Day in US of A !.

Govt. all over the world acts in such a way that they burden furture generations with more debt and taxes. Obama is no exception. Human greed is a very strong factor (and we still claim we love our kids!). Here is a very interesting article on Health care fall out.

Dem Healthcare Numbers Won’t Add Up
March 17th, 2010 at 7:45 am by Brad Schaeffer | 37 Comments |

Here’s an interesting tid-bit from the Washington Post dated April 24, 2007 in which it predicts that: “By 2017 Social Security will start to pay out more in benefits than it collects in taxes.”

Yet just today I look and see from the AP that the government must borrow to pay back some of the $2.5 trillion in IOUs being cashed in by Social Security because: “This year…the retirement program is projected to pay out more in benefits than it takes in.” Wow is it 2017 already? Gosh how time flies!

And herein lies a telling illustration of why I am opposed to the healthcare bill now being hammered out by the Democrats in congress. It is not because I don’t think healthcare is broken. It is because such a massive shift in the economy, such an enormous transfer of power to the federal government, is based upon projections of something that simply cannot be predicted with any degree of accuracy needed for such a program to work. If these guys are off their numbers (and they always are) we will be in serious financial quick-sand down the road.

There is an immutable reason why centralized socialist policies don’t work over time. Government, unlike the private sector, is not incentivized to maintain the fiscal discipline needed to stay on budget. It is in fact hardwired to be inefficient. When you run a business as I do — one that is not “too big to fail” at least — you have no endless revenue stream to draw from. No taxpayers to stick up again and again if my costs run out of control. I am rather a closed system and if I run deficits for very long a la our friends in D.C. the verdict of the market is swift and final… we run out of cash, shutter our doors and yours truly goes broke. Game over. So I am constantly monitoring my operation. My very livelihood and that of my family depends on my diligence and accuracy. And trust me, I have had to make some gut-wrenching calls in the past, including terminating employees and reducing my own compensation, to keep this ship afloat during some tough times at the outset. But government has no such obligation to be fiscally responsible.

So when you hear Democrats promise that middle class taxes will not go up, that this will cost under $1 trillion, or that this program will be “deficit neutral” do yourself a favor and just turn off your TV. They are not being truthful… not with themselves and not with you. And they are setting this country up for a financial meltdown while insulting our collective intelligence along the way.

Look, I just got our firm’s insurance renewal notice from Oxford. Our premiums are going up by 20%+. So I am on the front lines of the healthcare debate and will be the first to admit that the system needs reform. But this is not the way to do it. Once it is turned over to the federal government to manage, it will be all over. Empty promises aside, everyone’s taxes will skyrocket. (There are only so many “rich” people to soak before the tax man comes knocking on the middle class door when this monster’s cost overruns spiral out of control.) And what will we get for it in return if we even make it to the 2014 launch date? Another bloated entitlement already charging headlong towards insolvency.

Democrats and their supporters look to my Oxford bill and say: “You see Brad? This is exactly why we have to do something. And doing something is better than nothing.” Something maybe, but not anything.

Member since: Nov 09
Posts: 45

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 21-03-10 18:05:29

I have followed the health-care debate since July of 2009, having contributed to many forums, the Huffington post, and other blogs. I have followed the health care coverage over MSNBC, The Rachel Maddow Show, Countdown with Keith Olbermann show. the Dylan Ratigan Show, Hardball with Chris Mathew, and the infamous Glen Beck show.

I can only say that Nightmare talks like one of the extreme right wing elements on Fox news like Glen beck, Ann Coulter and their bunch of cronies. On second thought, does he have any knowledge of how the health care system (as it is currently) works in favor of the insurance industry? Does he know about what "pre-existing conditions" means? Does he have knowledge of the special interest groups that lobby for more de-regulation of the insurance Industry, in the US?. Do you know that the CEO's of health insurance companies get paid millions of dollars that are earned by denial of coverage, dropping of insurance coverage and increase in premiums that can be as high as 40 %?

Unfortunately for you, nightmare, there is me - someone who has rarely missed coverage of the health-care debate, since the days Obama was campaigning for the white house. I know what the private insurance industry stands for. You don't.

You just stirred a hornets nest by belittling what Obama is doing - a health care reform bill that was waiting to be be passed for over 50 years. I would like to have a healthy debate with you - just wondering if you have the ammunition in the form of knowledge. I have missiles in the form of a million words to defend the current bill (which could be better with the public option, the extension of medicare to 55 plus and caps on premium increases)...

My question is - can you defend yourself in a healthy debate, without telling lies, like the tea party guys, the right wingers and Fox news does?. I doubt that.

The benefits of the current health care bill outweighs the downsides.

PS: Talking of "socialist societies" - I assume you live in Canada. Do you know that this country has a "single payer system" of health care? Are you ready to leave this "socialist" country?

Member since: Jan 09
Posts: 295

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 21-03-10 18:44:13

Vandemataram: I am sorry you are ill informed, and absolutely wrong about the taxes going up.

Have you heard of the CBO? It's the congressional budget office a non partisan body made up of both democrats and republicans. The US CBO has said that final version of the Democrats' health-care plan will cut the federal deficit by $138bn over 10 years.

So you have a problem with a "socialist" country like Canada? So, You have a problem with subsidies, eh ? Can you point out to me any country in the world, where there are no subsidies whatsoever - be that agriculture, health care, or industry?.

Do you have a problem going to a walk in clinic or check into a hospital because it is subsidized by our taxes? I am sure you don't because it doesn't matter to you personally - all this talk about being "socialist" is good only for a discussion, right?

Do you know that much of western Europe including the UK and, France and Germany has a universal health care system? Germany has had this system since 1883. Does that make any of these countries any lesser than others? Does it make these countries "socialist" in every sense of the term?

So much misinformation has gone about, thanks to the right wing media in the US. I am surprised that some of my fellow desis do not seem to bother to check out facts before they pass judgment on what happens around.

Member since: Apr 06
Posts: 1170

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 21-03-10 20:06:17

Originally posted by WEST-IS-THE-BEST

I have followed the health-care debate since July of 2009, having contributed to many forums, the Huffington post, and other blogs. I have followed the health care coverage over MSNBC, The Rachel Maddow Show, Countdown with Keith Olbermann show. the Dylan Ratigan Show, Hardball with Chris Mathew, and the infamous Glen Beck show.

I can only say that Nightmare talks like one of the extreme right wing elements on Fox news like Glen beck, Ann Coulter and their bunch of cronies. On second thought, does he have any knowledge of how the health care system (as it is currently) works in favor of the insurance industry? Does he know about what "pre-existing conditions" means? Does he have knowledge of the special interest groups that lobby for more de-regulation of the insurance Industry, in the US?. Do you know that the CEO's of health insurance companies get paid millions of dollars that are earned by denial of coverage, dropping of insurance coverage and increase in premiums that can be as high as 40 %?

Unfortunately for you, nightmare, there is me - someone who has rarely missed coverage of the health-care debate, since the days Obama was campaigning for the white house. I know what the private insurance industry stands for. You don't.

You just stirred a hornets nest by belittling what Obama is doing - a health care reform bill that was waiting to be be passed for over 50 years. I would like to have a healthy debate with you - just wondering if you have the ammunition in the form of knowledge. I have missiles in the form of a million words to defend the current bill (which could be better with the public option, the extension of medicare to 55 plus and caps on premium increases)...

My question is - can you defend yourself in a healthy debate, without telling lies, like the tea party guys, the right wingers and Fox news does?. I doubt that.

The benefits of the current health care bill outweighs the downsides.

PS: Talking of "socialist societies" - I assume you live in Canada. Do you know that this country has a "single payer system" of health care? Are you ready to leave this "socialist" country?

Dear -I - know-Everything,

You have not carefully read the article above. There is little doubt amongst all Americans including right wing people that health care system is broken in USA. Inspite of your claim that you are all knowledgable about the debate, you have missed the main point. The debate is on solution. The blogs and sites you have quoted and Obamas speech - All this I equate with advertisement of various Charity groups that we see on TV. It is difficult not to be moved by the plight of people and same is true about lack of health care for millions of Americans. The whole debate is about solution- Govt take over of health care bill of 2000 pages and creation of vast bureaucracy (some 54 new agencies) or allowing competition amongst insurers and regulating them better. I know majority of CDs view Canadian health care as better one. I have different take on that. It does not make me a Right wing capitalist.

India has found a much better solution with consumer courts - Quick resolution of disputes without intervention of lawyers - where consumer courts have decided many cases against unfair practices by insurance companies. Limiting malpractice suits would also help to bring down the costs. You better look at the other side of the coin.

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