Sadhguru is Toronto on the 28th May 2011 for a public talk. Please bring your near and dear to attend his talk. Please remember to bring your White friends, your muslim and christian neighbours for this talk.This way they will realize their hinduness inside them irrespective of what religion they follow. There is a Hindu in every person.
He is an excellent communicator and his command over English language is outstanding. I consider his communication abilities next to J krishnamurthy and Osho.
He breaks down the concept of Hinduism and explains it in a very simplistic manner. His basic concept is of Hinduism is really a worship of nature and in turn it is a practise of protecting the nature.
He is also a strong opposer of the last 900 of years of rules in India which have screwed up the ethos, culture and dharma of India. He is also a strong opponent of the British educational system brought by Lord Mccaulay which is of 10+2 system which has destroyed our Gurukul system of learning. He said this was specifically engineered to destroy the Indian spirutuality. Which never happened to their surprise.
To his detractors he is also called the Corporate Guru as he jet sets and plays golf.
He breaks down all the rituals in Hinduism to the real purpose than leaving it abstract. He also explains how our great epics like Ramayana, Mahabaratha are a valuable instruction manuals for us for a good living and what are their hidden messages.
The one thing I really like in this guy is that in India there is a great movement going under the surface by many a christian evangelicals to convert many a hindus to evangelical christianity by equating hinduism to brahmins. They find fault with many a things and equate it brahmins and then distort the values and then convert people to evangelical christianity.
This man explains the true hindu dharma and has retained many a layman hindus like farmers, villagers and other common man to hinduism and kept them from converting in the very same place of coimbatore and around where Rev.Paul Dhinakaran has set shop.
He is a great promoter of nature conservation through planting of trees.
Please make yourself available for this talk and bring your one and all to learn more about Hindu Dharma.
Sunny Leone a true Canadian DESI now back in India !.
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