Complaint against Air Cananda

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Member since: Apr 08
Posts: 76

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 20-10-12 23:05:08

Hi Folks,
I need some suggestions: one of my family members experienced discrimination by Air Canada on a flight to Europe. At the last minute they were denied boarding on to a flight (even though they had a boarding pass) they had given the seat to another passenger. They also showed racism to my family and insulted my nationality by insinuating that my family was on its way to India, they were actually on their way to conference in Europe and returning back to Canada. Air Canada tried to give them a token amount (to keep them quiet) and grudgingly agreed to another flight delaying my family’s program and causing professional distress. On top of this entire situation Air Canada's staff was unprofessional, rude and lacked understanding for my family member. I want to know how to complain against Air Canada... and that Air Canada should be taught a lesson.

Member since: Aug 12
Posts: 29

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 20-10-12 23:28:02

This will not fly , Brother. You can try but all airlines can deny you boarding as most flights are over sold. I travel frequently . As you take compensation & alternate flight, it is end of story for you & airlines.

Member since: Jan 05
Posts: 1096

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 21-10-12 08:22:09

Originally posted by agrasaand

This will not fly , Brother. You can try but all airlines can deny you boarding as most flights are over sold. I travel frequently . As you take compensation & alternate flight, it is end of story for you & airlines.

Are you sure? They can deny you a boarding card ...... if the flight is full but they should not deny entry after a boarding card has been issued.

This is something that should be followed up ......

Member since: Aug 12
Posts: 29

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 21-10-12 08:41:05

Yes. They can deny . It has happened with me many times. ( I fly trans atlantic flight every 4 weeks- around 15 Trans Atlantic Flifhts in a year ). If your Boarding Card does not have a Seat Number , You are in Danger of denied boarding. Air Canada does it to many passengers especially late friday Edmonton/Clagary to Toronto flight. So, what they do , they Isuue you Boarding Card but without Seat Number ( This is done to last few passenger on flights which are over sold). They say you go to gate & wait there & your seat number will be given to you there. On gate, they assess the situation again by shifting some pax to Businees class etc, after that they allot seat to persons who have boarding card without seat number. Persons who can not get seats have to surrender Boarding Card & are booked in other flights. It is perfectly normal. you can try anything but Airline is right.

Member since: Apr 04
Posts: 2873
Location: Western Hemisphere

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 21-10-12 10:09:48

Airlines do deny boarding even with a boarding pass AND seat number.

To Gappi - If you want to complain, you could, by stating the facts of the issue, insufficient alternate arrangements, inadequate compensation, delay in arrival at the conference, etc.

Just because your family member was denied boarding and seat allocated to a non-Indian (or anyone else for that matter) passenger or insinuating they are flying to India (when did flying to India become racism??) does not automatically constitute discrimination. I have a premium flyer membership and I routinely get upgraded or get another passenger's premium seat (exit row, etc) and this happens at the expense of another passenger if the flight is overbooked. It's airlines' way of doing business. Most N.A airlines suck anyway.


Member since: Aug 10
Posts: 2009

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 21-10-12 13:36:40

Yepp number game it is ! and perfectly normal else airline industry will not run at all without doing so. Do you know who is responsible for all this - YOU ! Because when you want you also change plans at last minute.
While you call last minute cancellation of your seat by airline an act of racism and want to teach them a lesson, what about passengers or at times you who do KPPD with airlines by cancelling tickets. (remember those are generally high price tickets on which airlines lose ).
Sorry, bothy sides are mucky ! suck it up ! and please be rationale.

Also my personal request, do not demean your self by calling yourself a victim of racism on drop of a hat. I am sure you are neither some tiny specious nor a moron like SRK ?

Member since: Apr 08
Posts: 76

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 21-10-12 18:20:18

I agreed that giving the seat to another Indian or not is in it self not racism, but what Air Canada staff said was racist (racism definition: 1. a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race, 2. racial prejudice or discrimination, from the Merriam-Webster online dictionary). It is important to understand the context: the AC staff offered my family a seat after two days from Toronto, suggesting that they were on their way to India anyway and they could go after two days since it didn’t matter. The reality was my family was on their way to Europe for professional purposes and was not going near India! My family told them that it was very important for them to go and return to Canada, after that they finally arranged a seat on other airline. The racism is about not allowing equal opportunities for everyone, AC staff made a judgment about my family without asking or knowing the details and as a result my family has suffered a setback because of Air Canada’s negligence.

Contributors: dimple2001(2) san-hugo(2) Gappi(2) agrasaand(2) puttoo(1) desi28(1)

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