Compensation for Denied Boarding

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Member since: Aug 04
Posts: 186

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 15-03-05 10:06:35

Does anyone know what compensation is offered by airlines like Air India and KLM for denying boarding to clients with confirmed reservations??
It is becoming a common problem in India these days and its time we spred the message to all.
Please post only if you have the first hand experience.

Member since: Apr 04
Posts: 225

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 15-03-05 17:58:23

Hi Gapodi,

Can you please throw more specific information telling for what reason you or anyone else was denied boarding to clients even though with confirmed reservation.

I am also planning to go thru KLM, do let me know if there are any problems, so i can avoid it too.


Member since: Aug 04
Posts: 186

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 16-03-05 10:03:24

Because of very heavy rush to India and very limited seats many airlines are bumping custoemrs off asking them to fly next day.
This is becoming a huge problem at Delhi now and not much one can do about it unless one raises one's voice.
You are offered some compensation for it but thats what I am trying to find out

Member since: Oct 04
Posts: 859
Location: At my desk

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 16-03-05 10:21:36

Not only with KLM or Air India, it is a standard and established practice for airlines to book a little over capacity. This generally does not cause a problem, and serves the carrier to compensate for the no-shows/cancellations.

That's also one of the reasons why you should make attempts to check in early, because it is the stragglers who eventually show up after the plane is full and have to be left behind.

IMHO there is nothing much you can do about it.

The Cynic

Member since: Aug 04
Posts: 186

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 16-03-05 10:33:45

You can be the first person to check in with air india and still be denied !!
As it happened in front of my bewildered eyes
anyways guys please answer the specific question I asked if you can.
Lets not change the objective of this thread.

Member since: Oct 04
Posts: 859
Location: At my desk

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 16-03-05 10:47:56

Orginally posted by Gapodi
You can be the first person to check in with air india and still be denied !!

What reason did they give you when they did not allow you, or whoever it was "in front of your bewildered eyes", to board?
Orginally posted by Gapodi
anyways guys please answer the specific question I asked if you can.

I have answered your question. As you said, you did get compensated and I am sure it must have been according to rules. I repeat, IMHO there is nothing more you can do about it. Do note the "IMHO" though.
Orginally posted by Gapodi
Lets not change the objective of this thread.

Read here
and you might change your opinion.

The Cynic

Member since: Mar 03
Posts: 2606
Location: Toronto

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 16-03-05 11:09:45

Orginally posted by Gapodi

You can be the first person to check in with air india and still be denied !!
As it happened in front of my bewildered eyes
anyways guys please answer the specific question I asked if you can.
Lets not change the objective of this thread.


It is impossible to believe that someone is denied boarding AFTER BEING THE FIRST ONE TO CHECK IN (check in would mean he/she has already got his boarding card, stading first in the queue is not having checked in just remember that). So unless you elaborate on that, anyone would like to know more about it to be able to give a logical answer - however, the way you have put it seems you got irritated with a simple request for more details.

Secondly, you say let us not change the objective of this thread - can you define what exactly is one single objective of this thread? Is it to know what compensation can be claimed or is it to spread the word around? Are you clear about the objective and how to achieve it?

If it is to find out about the compensation - go to a travel agent and get the rules explained to you. He would be the best to tell you the rules - all others will only tell you their logical opinions.

But from practical experience (and believe me - I used to fly a lot - all international), if you do report late on an overbooked flight, there are two things that can happen: either you can be denied boarding with some compensation (money/accomodation/seat in some other airlines for the same destination), which will entirely depend on your attitude toward the counter staff and manager on duty - OR, if you are very nice and so are they, you will be upgraded to a class which is not fully booked.



Advice is free – lessons I charge for!!

Contributors: Gapodi(10) chandresh(6) DiogenestheCynic(6) indianguy(4) dfwrp(1) rajcanada(1)

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