How much Luggage is allowed for the first time Migrants?

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Member since: Aug 11
Posts: 1041

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 09-09-15 10:35:46

Safeguard your SIN like hell. Unless its absolutely necessary and required by law don't give your SIN to anyone.

Lot of frauds can easily be commited with it like opening a bank account, applying for a credit card etc in your name. Mostly Identity Theft type of frauds :(

There is NOTHING in the law that prevents people from asking for your SIN, but its upto you whether you want to give it to them or not, if its NOT legally required.

But some people demand it anyways :( and will tell you its mandatory (although its not ), like rental places to check your credit history etc, and if you don't give it, they will use some excuse to deny you the apartment.

Member since: Aug 11
Posts: 1041

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 12-09-15 10:31:31

She seems to have arrived in Canada.

The first month or so ( atleast till the end of September ) will go in formalities/technicalities like looking for her son's school ( first priority ), looking for an apartment, opening bank accounts, applying for OHIP, receiving your PR card,
maybe applying for Drivers License, applying for Credit Card ( to build Credit history ), getting to know the Public transit, buying furniture,bed, matrress, blinds/curtains etc.

Lot of $$$$$ will go from your pocket in the first month !!!

Credit History is very important in Canada

Member since: Aug 05
Posts: 2245
Location: Woodbridge

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 12-09-15 14:54:19

Over the past year or so Rogers has stopped signing contracts. They only offer price commitment for 1 or 2 years. It means they will provide a fixed service for fixed price for fixed time but you are open to renegotiate or move any time. This is for cable and land line only, not for cellphone.


Member since: May 11
Posts: 348
Location: Brampton

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 13-09-15 07:41:35

Hello HW36 and others using CIK,

There are tons of bad reviews on the net that are very discouraging.

How good is the quality of the CIK service apart from the price?
is the connection good and continuous without disconnecting?
How frequently have you called their customer service in a month?

Presently using Rogers.



Member since: May 11
Posts: 348
Location: Brampton

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 13-09-15 15:37:08

Thanks for the update, HW36. That's what i am afraid of, blowing off my existing provider to go with someone and ending up going back again crawling.

Member since: Jul 03
Posts: 2713
Location: Kitchener, ON

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 13-09-15 16:17:52

Originally posted by adamthorat

Don't get into the car nonsense for the first year or so. winter driving is hard and dangerous. .lot of accidents:(

Getting a Drivers License is also a nightmare over here, long and tedious process. Also car insurance is ridiculously expensive for new driver and new immigrant :( . G1, G2, G too much crap :cuss:

Driving school, Failing you in your driving test , speeding tkts, traffic tkts, tow truck, parking tkts, car insurance etc are ALL very good businesses over here :clap: . Lot of desi driving instructors to cheat you :clap: :cuss: :cuss:

What happens after first year? Does the risk of accident start reducing each year you are here? How will waiting for a bus for 30 minutes in -40 weather feel?

Toronto has good transit system but if you live outside Toronto, you do need a car.

Scenario is different if you land with a job in Toronto. Otherwise, having a car will give you flexibility in term of job search.

Give free food ||

Member since: Aug 06
Posts: 5286
Location: Canada

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 15-09-15 13:23:42

Originally posted by happywoman36
We used CIK service (Bell) unlimited Internet and free phone for more han 3 yrs and were very happy until 2-3 months back, when their internet connection used to get disconnected due to slow. We called them and their technician came and asked us to replace modem $100 (50% discount)so we paid $50, still we were not happy coz no connection esp b/w 7pm to 10 pm. Throughout the day, the internet was working good but evening, it was slow, so disconnected.

Now, we shifted to Rogers.

This might be the root cause for the duplicate posts .

Good to know you switched.

I and a couple of my friends who switched to Teksavvy do not have any complaints.


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