I am planning to move back to India from Toronto.
I would like to make a informative decision.
I would like to go back to India because of the education factor for my child.
I feel that the education system in India is far better than the one in Toronto/Canada, particularly up to High school education.
Also currently I am working on the IT field (mainframe) for the past 8 years.
I heard that the IT field in India (Bangalore/Mumbai) is getting better day by day.
I would like to get valuable openion so that I may take firm decision.
Well i am in US and i feel the same way, although i am close to landing in Canada i dont have any plans of settling anywhere other then India, mostly people settle down cuz of money and better environmental factors and if you dont have any constraints on these factors India is the best place for everything, There can be lot of negatives said about India but the fact is that we were born there and we know it more then anything.
If you are decided then i would guess its the best solution.
I am sure many people would have adverse opinions but we ourself are the best Judge.
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