why canadian employes prefer canadian education and lifestyle?

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Member since: Jul 04
Posts: 231

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 20-09-04 12:07:30

this is what all skilled class immigrants wondered about when they have indian master degrees and employes still ask for canadian experience. i came to conclusion now and its like this:-
1) if u r a ceo back home in india will u prefer a person with african degree?
no, even if he is phd from there u will prefer an indian who knows mother tongue hindi (for speaking casually) and english for formal occasions. so he can interact with people around and show co-ordination and feel comfortable.
i am doing a diploma in programming from georgian college berry ontario. even after graduating in b-tech electrical i didn't find a job after coming here in my field. i started doing diploma and found a lot and lot of difference in canadian and indian education. this system helps u develop ur practical skills rather then make u book worm. i found many indians who are working as a labor in canada is because they lack basic communication skills and canadian education system is which gives u global subjects and practical knowledge.
i never in my indian education have studied how to improve ur communication gramitacaly and how to make presentation, how to make report, how to write assignments. these all skills are developing in this college.
so i sometimes feel shock when i saw some parents sending there kids to india for education, man this is education, this is where they had to work. so y u r sending them to become book worms and even forgot english.
last but not least please update ur study to canadian standard if u feel like earn something big and live comfortably here. there is no age of learning and getting knowledge, don't be shy like indians be a canadian atleast now.

2) whish employee in canada don't want security in terms of stabilty from his employers (it is another thing that they don't get it sometimes) ....... so never say in an intervies that u have plans to move back to india.

i just wrote down whatever i think as there are many articles on this site claiming that they are fed up of canadian system.......... please don't say these things if u r here then respect the land and there govt otherwise u r always free to go back to india, no one is stopping u from doing this. maybe it will open doors for other indians who are hard working and know what they want to do.

note:- please don't take my words personnaly, maybe there are lot of mistakes in my topic thats due to the lack of time and lots of things to say.

thank you

Learn from past mistakes, Plan for future, Live in Present by Duncan

blue berry   
Member since: Sep 04
Posts: 4
Location: India

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 21-09-04 01:11:57

why canadian employes prefer canadian education and lifestyle?
this is what all skilled class immigrants wondered about when they have indian master degrees and employes still ask for canadian experience. i came to conclusion now and its like this:-
1) if u r a ceo back home in india will u prefer a person with african degree?
no, even if he is phd from there u will prefer an indian who knows mother tongue hindi (for speaking casually) and english for formal occasions. so he can interact with people around and show co-ordination and feel comfortable.
i am doing a diploma in programming from georgian college berry ontario. even after graduating in b-tech electrical i didn't find a job after coming here in my field. i started doing diploma and found a lot and lot of difference in canadian and indian education. this system helps u develop ur practical skills rather then make u book worm. i found many indians who are working as a labor in canada is because they lack basic communication skills and canadian education system is which gives u global subjects and practical knowledge.
i never in my indian education have studied how to improve ur communication gramitacaly and how to make presentation, how to make report, how to write assignments. these all skills are developing in this college.
so i sometimes feel shock when i saw some parents sending there kids to india for education, man this is education, this is where they had to work. so y u r sending them to become book worms and even forgot english.
last but not least please update ur study to canadian standard if u feel like earn something big and live comfortably here. there is no age of learning and getting knowledge, don't be shy like indians be a canadian atleast now.

So you mean Indian education system is not good, or not upto mark? Then how come Indian professionals are very successful in U.S.A. , nearly 35% of microsoft staffers are Indians, 20 % nasa scientist. Indians in any country with indian education are successful. Show me where Canadians stand. They just work, but do not know why they work. but We indians do. i find your logic absolutely ridiculous.

Member since: Jul 04
Posts: 231

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 21-09-04 12:47:41

hahaha u know u r one of ethanal centrism person. i am not critisizing ur opinion or thinking i am giving a term to ur thinking which i got in ur reply.
so u say that indians are popular in usa ............ reason all of them in N.A.S.A and in microsoft have upgraded there skills upto usa or candian level after coming here. second thing i never said that indian brain lack something i always and i still say that indian education teaching lack practical knowledge. maybe earlier indian teacher are praised for there knowledge but not now and i am talking of today cauz i don't beleive living in history.
another thing my dear friend we all know that how gora (american or canadians) live there life, they don't bother about past, no tension of future and saving money. not taking any tension bout there kids.
and they lack the basic hard working skills and there mind is not that sharp as we have.
giving u example of kalpan chawla who was working for nasa before her death, she first graduated from indian pec college but after she joined a univ in usa and not only she but most of all indians working in good jobs have updates there studies.
be a man and face the fact, forget from where we r, look and learn the culture where we r now.
i appreciate ur response
thank you

Learn from past mistakes, Plan for future, Live in Present by Duncan

Member since: Jan 04
Posts: 2025
Location: State of Denial

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 21-09-04 13:08:29

Maybe Crenshaw would like to check out the english in the original post....:D

Whats " ethanal centrism"?


ethanal??? ACETALDEHYDE -- CH3CHO???? Surely not????;)

I once made a mistake, but I was wrong about it.

Member since: Sep 04
Posts: 914
Location: Toronto

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 21-09-04 21:34:47

Oh yeah mercury, plenty of material here for me to have a go at, eh?

That ethanal, ethanol thingy sure got me sidetracked. I started thinking about ethanol fuel and conservation issues before realizing I was still on a desi site.......;)

On the one hand, a Canadian employer would prefer to have an employee who has previous Canadian experience, so that the employee can blend into the team. However, new immigrants also tend to be hard workers, since they're trying to establish themselves and therefore motivated.

Got to look at it from both angles.

Member since: Jul 04
Posts: 231

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 22-09-04 12:09:53

ethanol centrism means a person who look at other cultures acc to his culture. for eg:- back home we people worship cows and here they eat them so if we start looking this culture keeping in mind ours that would be ethanol centrism.
to adopt to new culture and a nations we should forget ours and learn there and keep track with them that will be called cultural realitism. A person should be like this to be successfull in every aspect of life. forget what we were ........... c what should we need to become to survive here on other land.

Learn from past mistakes, Plan for future, Live in Present by Duncan

bally minhas   
Member since: Nov 03
Posts: 161

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 22-09-04 16:32:09

Orginally posted by duncan

this is what all skilled class immigrants wondered about when they have indian master degrees and employes still ask for canadian experience. i came to conclusion now and its like this:-
1) if u r a ceo back home in india will u prefer a person with african degree?
no, even if he is phd from there u will prefer an indian who knows mother tongue hindi (for speaking casually) and english for formal occasions. so he can interact with people around and show co-ordination and feel comfortable.
i am doing a diploma in programming from georgian college berry ontario. even after graduating in b-tech electrical i didn't find a job after coming here in my field. i started doing diploma and found a lot and lot of difference in canadian and indian education. this system helps u develop ur practical skills rather then make u book worm. i found many indians who are working as a labor in canada is because they lack basic communication skills and canadian education system is which gives u global subjects and practical knowledge.
i never in my indian education have studied how to improve ur communication gramitacaly and how to make presentation, how to make report, how to write assignments. these all skills are developing in this college.
so i sometimes feel shock when i saw some parents sending there kids to india for education, man this is education, this is where they had to work. so y u r sending them to become book worms and even forgot english.
last but not least please update ur study to canadian standard if u feel like earn something big and live comfortably here. there is no age of learning and getting knowledge, don't be shy like indians be a canadian atleast now.

2) whish employee in canada don't want security in terms of stabilty from his employers (it is another thing that they don't get it sometimes) ....... so never say in an intervies that u have plans to move back to india.

thank you

some POSITIVE questions:
1. What r chances of getting into a US university at the age of forty. I am not intersted in small college.. getting certificate and do 1 30000$ job
2. what about canadian Univ. Can we get 2000 cash for some teaching etc.
some words...
please do not make silly remark about spelling etc as somebody has done in the replies on this thread.
motto is to guide, help,, not mock.
Good work Duncan.... nearly.:)

trying to find real persons

Contributors: duncan(3) mercury6(2) crenshaw(2) bally minhas(1) rajcanada(1) blue berry(1)

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