What are the requirments for an Indian Citizen after he takes up Canadian Citizenship to live in India for a longer time period say 5-10 years. Both from Residency and Tax prospectives?
What could be diffrent if destination is USA from same prospectives.
Any link or experiences ?
1. When you have Canadian passport and live in India/US you become resident of that country for tax purposes and pay taxes there.
2. But if you have links with Canada you are liable to pay taxes on your Global income in Canada. However:
A. But before you pay taxes in Canada you deduct [take credit for] the amount of tax you have already paid in other country (India/US) as Canada has double taxation avoidance treaty with them. (check out current status)
see link:
B. If you are Canadian Citizen read this:
(a) Canada taxes its residents on their world-wide income using Canadian Income tax rules and rates. Canada does not tax Canadian Citizens if they are not resident in Canada.
(b) Canada taxes non-residents of Canada (including Canadian Citizens who are not resident in Canada) only on:
(i) any employment income earned in Canada;
(ii) any business income earned from carrying on a business in Canada;
(iii) capital gains primarily attributable to Canadian real estate and shares in private Canadian companies; and
(iv) certain types of Canadian source investment income such as interest, rents, dividends and royalties. This is done by the imposition of a withholding tax at a statutory rate of twenty-five percent which may be reduced under applicable income tax agreements.
A Canadian citizen who departs Canada and becomes a "non-resident" for tax purposes will no longer be subject to Canadian taxation other than as described above. Neither the Canadian federal government or any of its provincial governments impose any estate taxes or succession duties on death.
In addition to the valuable contribution given by LD , you should also have the Immigration status to live in USA/India for more than 6 months ..
We will find a way or we will make one
Immigration status can include:
work permit/visa
student visa
other visas permitting stay longer than 6 months
green card
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