Some important information needed regarding immigration?

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Member since: Jul 04
Posts: 231

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 20-07-05 07:29:04

hello everyone
I need some quick and valuable information regarding immigration. Please help it out:-
I filed for PR in New Delhi office last year under my name. I filed the case myself. Getting all the information from net and canadian desi itself. But now I have some doubts:-
1) The minimum funds required to settle in Canada:-
Every where it is mentioned that you need to have minimum funds according to the size of your family to settle in canada. But when do we need these funds:-
a) While filling the case, do we need to give them the proof of the funds availaible with us?
b) Like I haven't send the details of fund with my application. Does the visa officer going to send me a letter and asking for the bank statements or other proof, before issuing me visa?
c) Do I need to bring these funds to canada only and show it at the entry port, to the visa officer there?

Next thing is, I have filed the case on my name. And now my wife needs a student visa for manitoba. As she is studying in Univ Buisness School, and they have this transfer program with Univ of Manitoba, Asper buisness school.
a) Will visa officer object her student visa, even if the UBS sponsored her? and what are the chances of getting her visa?
b) If I am supposed to get admission in MBA school in Canada, what are my chances of getting the student visa?

I am thanking you all in advance for giving your sincere advice.
thanking you
duncan antal

Learn from past mistakes, Plan for future, Live in Present by Duncan

Member since: Feb 04
Posts: 2831
Location: Toronto

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 20-07-05 09:05:17

duncan --

Orginally posted by duncan
But when do we need these funds:-
a) While filling the case, do we need to give them the proof of the funds availaible with us?

Yes - and at that point you should have funds equal to or greater than the required funds.
They may ask for updates anytime during the process.
Therefore, it is better for you to "park" that money somewhere in a savings account, and whenever they request proof, give them the statements.
b) Like I haven't send the details of fund with my application. Does the visa officer going to send me a letter and asking for the bank statements or other proof, before issuing me visa?

You should have sent the proof alongwith the application.
They will surely ask for proof somewhere down the road.
However, what it has done is delayed your case.
When the case officer reviews your case, he/she will find the proof of funds missing and he will issue a letter.
Your file will then go back into the queue without further processing.
The next time your file comes back into processing, they will check whether they have received a response from yoy or not.
If received, processing will proceed, else another letter will be issued and the case will go back into the freezer.
c) Do I need to bring these funds to canada only and show it at the entry port, to the visa officer there?

You will have to bring it along and show it when asked for.

Next thing is, I have filed the case on my name. And now my wife needs a student visa for manitoba. As she is studying in Univ Buisness School, and they have this transfer program with Univ of Manitoba, Asper buisness school.
a) Will visa officer object her student visa, even if the UBS sponsored her? and what are the chances of getting her visa?

They might deny the visa because a immigration file is in process.
However, the best way to know is to try !

b) If I am supposed to get admission in MBA school in Canada, what are my chances of getting the student visa?
Try it and see - no one can predict the outcome of a non-immigrant visa application.

and BTW, please don't post the same question in multiple forums.
Most members read all the sections on the website and posting under one topic is enough.


"Mah deah, there is much more money to be made in the destruction of civilization than in building it up."

-- Rhett Butler in "Gone with the Wind"

Member since: Jul 04
Posts: 231

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 20-07-05 10:04:15

thank you very much Mr.pratickm for your kind advice.
One more thing that I like to ask regarding the funds is:-
1) Like we are a family of three, so I need to show atleast $15,387. At present I have $4200 in my bank as fixed diposit. But apart from this I have property worth $250,000.00. So can i show tha value of my property?
2) Or I can only show the amount available in my bank?
3) How old the bank statement should be? like if I put some money after receiving the letter from cic officer, will it be ok with him?
4) If I can show the value for my property and proof that I own this and the market value of the property, then do i need to sell it before coming to canada and show it to the officer?
5) Like it will take another 3 yrs for the application to be succesfull, till that time I will earn and deposit the desired amount before coming to Canada. Will they still ask me to sell my property and show them the money?

I am sorry for putting double post, actually I also want to ask Mr.Masood the same question. But no prob, as You have already answered it very clearly. And thank you very much for this.
thanking you

Learn from past mistakes, Plan for future, Live in Present by Duncan

Member since: Feb 04
Posts: 2831
Location: Toronto

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 20-07-05 11:27:53

Orginally posted by duncan
1) Like we are a family of three, so I need to show atleast $15,387. At present I have $4200 in my bank as fixed diposit. But apart from this I have property worth $250,000.00. So can i show tha value of my property?

As far as I know, only liquid and determinate assets can be shown as proof of funds - not indeterminate things like stocks, bonds, landed property, etc.
Basically for two reasons - (1) the value fluctuates and is never fixed and (2) CIC has no way of ensuring that you will actually liquidate that property to use as settlement funds.

2) Or I can only show the amount available in my bank?
Usually, savings accounts, FD, time deposits, etc.

3) How old the bank statement should be? like if I put some money after receiving the letter from cic officer, will it be ok with him?
Yeah, as long as you have the funds and respond to their letter ASAP.

4) If I can show the value for my property and proof that I own this and the market value of the property, then do i need to sell it before coming to canada and show it to the officer?
I suggest you use something else as proof of funds, rather than property value.
Property value can never be determined with any accuracy and fluctuates from year to year, sometimes month to month.
It is also subjective depending on who is doing the value assessment.
I mean, $100 in a bank is always $100.

5) Like it will take another 3 yrs for the application to be succesfull, till that time I will earn and deposit the desired amount before coming to Canada. Will they still ask me to sell my property and show them the money?
They don't give a hoot how you get the money, as long as you do.
Remember two things - (1) whenever they ask for proof of funds during the process, you will need to have the required funds available at that time.
Whether you sell the property or how you acquire the funds is your business.
But if you don't show the required funds when they ask for it, it will simply delay your case.
As I explained above, they will simply issue another letter and put the file back in the freezer.
Therefore, till the time you can prove all the required funds, your case will keep going back into the freezer.

Last year, one of my friends moved to Canada and his case was delayed over 6 months just because he could not provide satisfactory proof of funds - and he was lucky that the delay was only 6 months and not much longer.

"Mah deah, there is much more money to be made in the destruction of civilization than in building it up."

-- Rhett Butler in "Gone with the Wind"

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